    Welcome to Ms. Christenson's Website
    I teach ELA 7 and Advanced ELA 7.

    I am a graduate of the University of Northwestern in St. Paul, and I am certified to teach both Language Arts and ESL. I'm passionate about great books and good writing, so I’m thrilled to be teaching middle school ELA! In my class, we'll build critical thinking and communication skills by reading and responding to challenging, interesting texts. Together your student and I will work to uphold Oak View's high standard of academic excellence.

    Thank you for supporting your student's education! I am excited to work with your child and watch their growth. Together we can help your child achieve success! 


    Link to assignments - ELA 7: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B7uFTeklmFK4flZ1am1Uc3dDemlDaWJoNDN3WHZ5dml4ZHBsUUdGTUQ4MXF2UkxSYXZEd3c

    Link to assignments - Advanced ELA: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B7uFTeklmFK4fjNWM242bF9ldkxUZ010aG5nT0VfMmJDV3dsUEpiTFoxSmxNOFBxTF9BeWM?usp=sharing

    Please use your student's AhSchools account to access the assignment folders.

    Anna Christenson
    ELA Teacher
    Oak View Middle School
    15400 Hanson Blvd.
    Andover MN 55304
  • Teaching Schedule:
      Day 1   Day 2
     Period 1 ELA 7 ELA 7
     Period 2 ELA 7 ELA 7
     Period 3 ELA 7 ELA 7
     Period 4 ELA 7 ELA 7
     Period 5 Collaborative Team Collaborative Team
     Period 6 Prep Prep
     Period 7 Advanced ELA 7 Advanced ELA 7