• Frau Feine's classroom website

    Thank you for supporting your student's education! I am excited to work with your child and watch their growth. Together we can help your child achieve success!
  • Kris Feine, World Languages Teacher
    Oak View Middle School
    15400 Hanson Blvd
    Andover, MN  55304
  • Teaching schedule 

      Day one Day two
     Period 1 NMS  Intro to World Lang. & CulturesNMS  Intro to World Lang. & Cultures
     Period 2 NMS German INMS German I
     Period 3 travel travel
     Period 4 prep prep
     Period 5OMS German IOMS German I
     Period 6OMS German IOMS German I
     Period 7OMS Intro to World Lang. & CulturesOMS Intro to World Lang. & Cultures