New enrollments

  • Please use the school finder tool  to learn the school your student is assigned to attend, based on your home address.


    Current, 2024-25 school year

    New, immediate student enrollments for the current, 2024-25 school year, can be completed through the online registration process. Regardless if you've had students enrolled in the Anoka-Hennepin School District, please use the Getting Started link below. After filling out the form, you'll receive email notification of your parent/guardian account that you'll then use to login and complete your enrollment.


    Upcoming, 2025-26 school year

    All families new to the Anoka-Hennepin School District for the 2025-26 school year may begin enrolling students in January 2025. (This includes new kindergarten families and families new to the Anoka-Hennepin school district attendance boundaries.)

    Families may use the school finder tool to determine school assignments for the upcoming school year.

  • GETTING STARTED: I'd like to enroll a student who is not currently attending an Anoka-Hennepin school
  • EXISTING PARENT/GUARDIAN with a student(s) enrolled in Anoka-Hennepin Schools

In-district transfers and open enrollments

  • OPEN ENROLLMENT: My home address is outside the Anoka-Hennepin attendance boundary and I wish my student(s) to attend a specific school.

Enrollment options explained

  • Applications for open enrollment are accepted year round.  Applications for in-district transfer are accepted December 1 through mid-June for the next school year. Applications can be submitted via mail, email or fax:

Enrollment FAQs

  • Do I have to reapply every year?

  • What if a family moves out of an attendance area? Can they continue attending their school?

  • If there is a younger sibling who will be an incoming kindergartener the following school year, are they automatically accepted to the same transfer school as the older sibling?

Kindergarten information

  • Beginning the kindergarten journey

  • Video series to help prepare for kindergarten

  • Early childhood screening

  • Early Childhood Screening Frequently Asked Questions

  • Early entrance into kindergarten

  • Contact

    For enrollment questions, please call the Application and Connection Services (ACS) general line at 763-506-1030 or email