• Welcome! My name is Luke Shaw and I teach the following courses at Champlin Park High School.... US History, Multicultural Perspectives, and Honors African American History.  Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions regarding these classes or your student's progress.  Email is the most effective way to reach me. 
    Luke Shaw
    Social Studies: US History, Multicultural Perspectives, Honors African American History
    Champlin Park
    6025 109th Ave. N. Champlin, MN 55316
  • Teaching Schedule:
       Tri 1  Tri 2  Tri 3
     Period 1 US History 10 A US History 10B US History 10 B
     Period 2 Multicultural Perspectives US HIstory 10B US History 10 B
     Period 3 Prep US History 10A US History 10B
     Period 4 Multicultural Perspectives Prep Prep
     Period 5 US History 10 A Honors African American History US History 10 B