WEB (Where Everybody Belongs) is a transition program where 8th graders help 6th graders with the transition to the middle school.
The 8th graders apply in the spring of their 7th grade school year and are then selected based on essay questions, teacher feedback, and on their commitment to help Oak View be a positive place for all students.
The WEB leaders then have an orientation during the spring of their 7th grade year. In the summer there are two days of training and one day where they lead activities with the 6th graders to help in the 6th grade transition to the middle school. During the first half of the school year the WEB leaders will meet with their 6th grade groups twice a month and lead them through activities that help build positive relationships, teach valuable lessons, or to help create a team. Starting in January, some WEB leaders help tutor 6th graders.