• 11th grade assessments

    Data is collected throughout the year and results are shared with parents by the classroom teacher.


    This test is administered to English learners in order to measure progress toward meeting Minnesota’s standards for English language development. This assessment measures students' social and academic language in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing in kindergarten through 12th grade.

    This test is administered in January-March to students identified as English learners.

    ACT Plus Writing

    The ACT measures a student's readiness for college in the areas of writing, reading, math, and science, and is required for admission into most 4-year institutions nationwide.

    This test is administered to all 11th grade students in April.

    Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) – Math and Science

    The Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments - Series III (MCA-III) tests, also referred to as MCAs, are the state tests that help districts measure student progress toward proficiency or mastery of Minnesota’s Academic Standards and meet the state and federal accountability requirements for math grade 11. These tests provide the district with beneficial information regarding the student’s strengths and weaknesses in order to make important decisions about curriculum and instruction. MCA assessments are administered online.

    These tests are administered March through May. The MCA Science is administered after high school students have taken biology.


    The Preliminary SAT (PSAT) is an optional assessment used to identify National Merit Scholars. The assessment is given in the fall, and is open to 11th grade students. Those students that choose to take the PSAT will need to register in advance to take the assessment. There is a fee associated with this assessment, however, students qualifying for Free/Reduced Priced services (FRP) may request a waiver.