Please take five minutes to complete the annual Parent Attitude and Satisfaction Survey
(05/07/2024) The input of parents and guardians is valuable in helping improve the district’s service to students and families. The Anoka-Hennepin School District would like parents’/guardians’ opinions on the schools your children attend.
To gather this information most cost-effectively, the district is administering a brief survey online. As always, all answers will remain confidential.
Surveys may be completed using the login code sent in a letter to all families with students enrolled in Anoka-Hennepin through U.S. Mail anytime between May 13 and June 14. A paper copy may be requested as needed by calling your child’s school. Paper surveys are available in English, Arabic, Hmong, Oromo, Somali, Spanish and Vietnamese. Paper surveys must be completed and returned to the school by June 14.
Please complete a survey for each school where your family has children enrolled. If a family has two children in the same school, base responses on the oldest child.
In addition, a random sample of parents/guardians of students at select elementary schools will be surveyed by telephone. The telephone survey is brief, generally taking between five and 10 minutes. All phone responses, again, are confidential.
Thank you in advance to the participants. Parent/guardian input is valuable in helping the district improve its service to students and families.