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Bid now: Student-built luxury pet kennel up for auction

(04/25/24) Students in the Anoka-Hennepin work experience program have built a luxury pet kennel, which is now open for bidding. The sale of these student-built items covers the cost of materials and supports future hands-on learning opportunities.Luxury pet kennel

The pet kennel features Ruff Sawn exterior plywood siding with LP smart trim, treated plywood for the outside kennel.

Dimensions and details

The kennel/animal shelter has a 10 ½ -inch by 17 ½-inch pet door. The enclosed house portion is 4 feet by 6 feet and the kennel portion is 6 feet by 6 feet. The size is approximately 6 feet, 11 inches wide by 10 feet, 4 inches long by 7 feet, 10 inches tall. 
The starting bid is $1,500 and is up for auction until May 14, 2024.

View the auction.

Hands-on classroom fosters real-life experience

Work-based learning is a structured academic program where students engage in real-world activities with instruction occurring both at school and in a community-based setting with an employer. The experience provides students with opportunities to explore careers, master specific learning objectives, and earn academic credit under the supervision of a licensed work-based learning coordinator. 

In the development of the pet kennel, students worked in Keith Packer's course learning the basics of construction and applying their learning to entry-level industry standards. There are a variety of work-based learning opportunities both in the Secondary Technical Education Program (STEP) and in the five traditional high schools that allow students to explore different jobs and occupations.

Secondary Technical Education Program (STEP)

Secondary Technical Education Program (STEP), a middle place between high school and college, provides relevant education to prepare students for the high-tech, high-skill workplace of the 21st century.

STEP is a joint effort of the Anoka-Hennepin School District, the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) system and Anoka County with nonpartisan support of the local legislative delegation, business and industry partners, students, and parents in the community. Anoka Technical College, Anoka Ramsey Community College and other higher education institutions were part of the planning process. Anoka County issued bonds for the construction of the middle college, to be repaid through a lease/purchase agreement with the Anoka-Hennepin School District. Partnerships with community groups, business, industry, and labor enhance the program. Learn more about STEP.