Update: Middle school program review continues following June 10 School Board work session
(07/05/2024) A review of middle school programming in Anoka-Hennepin Schools will result in additional refinement and development of timelines for future consideration following a presentation at the June 10 School Board work session.
The overall goal: The middle school program review process aims to achieve these desired outcomes:
- Improve student achievement
- Improve student behavior
- Reduce costs while maintaining high-quality exploratory programming
The basics: The review included each component of the middle school program including advanced courses, intervention courses, literacy instruction, high school credit course work in math and world languages and exploratory elective options.
Options were explored to compare a 7 or 6 period day as one strategy to maintain programming while reducing expenditures by $3.84 million amid a $21 million pending budget reduction for the 2025-26 school year. Review presentation slides, Agenda item 4.B, Attachment F.
The program review for the middle school level was last undertaken when the district shifted from a semester-model to a trimester-model at the middle school level in 2009.
Feedback: The district is committed to continuous improvement which includes review and comment on proposals from community and staff stakeholders. This process included a series of three community meetings attended by 75 residents, 425 views of the overview presentation online and 281 completed surveys to provide feedback. Review a summary report that includes feedback and analysis.
Timeline: As recommendations are refined, Anoka-Hennepin will share updates with the School Board and community prior to making a decision. School Board direction regarding the program and schedule is expected as part of the Phase 2 budget reduction and reallocation process in fall 2024.