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Daily Announcements,September 21,Day 1

Please remember that JMS does not allow electronic device use from 8:30 AM - 3:10 PM. That means cell phones, headphones, and earbuds should not be seen or heard. This applies to all areas of the school including classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, locker rooms, and lunchrooms. Thank you for your cooperation in helping make JMS a place to focus on learning and positively interact with others. 


Hey Staff and Students! Just a reminder that Mondays and Fridays are our school-wide spirit days! Every Friday show your Jaguar Pride by dressing in your JMS gear. JMS apparel can be purchased at the school stores. This coming Monday is comfy-cozy day. Wear your coziest and comfiest clothes to school that day, however the school dress code still applies.


Do you like to solve math problems and compete against others?  If the answer is yes, then Math League is for you!  Come check it out Friday morning. We will meet at 7:30 am in room J150 for our first practice.  For more information, see Mrs. Eerdmans.


Calling all cheerleaders!  The JMS Cheer team is filling up fast so don't miss your chance to join in all of the fun!  Stop by the Community Education office today for more information or to register.  


Our character strong theme this week is: Building Connections

American singer-songwriter Ani DiFranco once said, "I know there is strength in the differences between us.  I know there is comfort, where we overlap.