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Registration 2025-2026 Information

OVMS Registration 25-26

5th to 6th Grade Registration

OVMS Music Department Video

5th Grade Music Packet This includes information about the Music Department Open House sessions on January 13th at 6pm and 7pm in the Oak View cafeteria.

January 14 - Registration forms are due. Completed forms can be dropped off in the main office, mailed to Oak View Middle School or emailed to

5th to 6th Registration Form 


6th to 7th Grade Registration

January 8 - Students will receive registration information in ELA class 

January 15 - Students will complete the registration process during ELA class

MS Registration Guide 2025-2026 School Year (Grades 6-8)

Students should contact their ELA teacher if they have questions or if they need a copy of the registration form.


 7th to 8th Grade Registration

January 9 - Students will receive registration information in ELA class 

January 16 - Students will complete the registration process during ELA class

MS Registration Guide 2025-2026 School Year  (Grades 6-8)

Students should contact their ELA teacher if they have questions or if they need a copy of the registration form. 


8th to 9th Grade Registration


January 13 - Current 8th graders will receive 2025-2026 high school registration information from Andover High School during Advisory on Monday, January 13th.


January 16 - The 8th grade parent information night is scheduled for Thursday, January 16.


January 22 - Registration forms will be collected from current 8th graders.

Registration and course selection is an important process that helps set up students for a successful start to high school.  

8th to 9th Presentation Slides

HS Registration Guide 2025-2026 School Year (Grades 9-12)