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Mid-year leadership workshop creates opportunities for districtwide feedback, planning for 2023-24 school year

Dr. Kate Maguire(01/20/23) Principals and administrators from across the district gathered for the annual mid-year leadership workshop on Wednesday, Jan. 18, to hear updates from interim superintendent Dr. Kate Maguire, and other members of the school district’s cabinet. 

The group reviewed and discussed draft Strategic Priorities for the 2023-24 school year, which will be brought to the School Board for consideration at its meeting Monday, Jan. 23. 

The Strategic Priorities process is a system that creates shared expectations for how resources are utilized along with a disciplined approach from governance to implementation. The district’s continuous improvement model is an essential element to match resources with decisions to achieve the School Board’s direction to meet the mission and vision for the district. Each year, the strategic priorities are informed by significant staff and community input, including survey responses that include feedback from thousands of stakeholders. 

Additional updates regarding the district’s communication improvements, facilities, financial position and legislative priorities were shared.

Meetings underway