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Blaine High School senior named recipient of College-Sponsored National Merit Scholarship

Mujaddid Khan(06/05/2024) Blaine High School - Center for Engineering, Mathematics and Science (BHS) senior Mujaddid Khan has earned a College-Sponsored National Merit Scholarship financed by U.S. Colleges and universities, the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC®) announced June 5.

These scholarships provide between $500 and $2,000 annually for up to four years of undergraduate study at the institution financing the scholarship. 

Khan will attend the University of Minnesota and study electrical engineering.

College-sponsored Merit Scholarship winners announced June 5 are part of the distinguished group of more than 6,870 high school seniors who will receive National Merit Scholarships for college undergraduate study worth nearly $26 million. Earlier this spring, NMSC announced corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarship awards and National Merit $2,500 Scholarship winners.