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Enroll in before- or after-school care for the remainder of the school year.
(1/4/20) Ready to come back to school? Adventures Plus school-age care is excited to welcome students back to school later this month, and space is now available for families to enroll for the remainder of the school year!
Space is available at all elementary schools. (Students attending Evergreen Park may enroll in the Adventures Plus school-age care program at Monroe Elementary; transportation is provided to Evergreen, with pick-up and drop-off at Monroe.) Families must enroll to receive child care for a minimum of three days per week, which allows Adventures Plus to create consistent groups in alignment with health and safety guidelines from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). Learn more and apply today.
View the Adventures Plus school-age care COVID-19 preparedness plan, which was created in compliance with guidance from the Minnesota Department of Human Services, for specific details regarding health and safety procedures.