PTO Minutes 04/15/15

Johnsville Elementary School PTO Minutes
April 15, 2014

Purpose of the Organization: PTO is organized for the purpose of supporting the education of children at Johnsville Elementary School by fostering relationships among the school, parent, and teachers. The organization will not seek to control administrative policy of the school but may offer input.

OFFICERS: President: Carrie Vake | Vice President : Stacy Anderson | Treasurer: Denise Scholljegerdes | Secretary: Maren Schultz

STAFF PRESENT: Susan Eschback, Scott Johnson, Brett Chesness

ATTENDEES: Jennifer Marsnik, Angela Greenberg, Kari Gislason, Betsy Selstad, Pam Taylor, Sherry Hamann, Anissa Dickerson, Kathie Karsnia, Stacy Anderson, Denise Scholljergedes, Gina Housman Nieder, Angie Anderson, Brandy Doyle, Tiffany Cich, Carrie Vake, Maren Schultz

Meeting called to order at 6:40p.m.


· MCA science testing for 5th graders done last week, MCA reading tests done today and tomorrow for grades 3-5, MCA math tests schedule going home with classes for grades 3-5

· MAP reading testing for grade 2 will be May 7-13th, MAP math will be May 14th-20th for grade 2

· April 22 Orchestra Hall field trip for grade 5, May 14/15 2nd grade field trip to Woodlake Nature center, May 16th field trip to Wargo nature center for grade 1, Fishing trip for 5th grade May 27, 28, 29

· April 23rd is staff recognition for teachers that have been teaching 25 years or more in Anoka-Hennepin. Teachers at Johnsville are Mrs. Schuette, Mrs. Knutson, Mr. Gibis, and Mr. Scheid. Teachers that are retiring this year are Mrs. McCormick, Mrs. Schuette, and Mrs. Buck.

· April 23rd is also secretary’s day

· April 25th parent request forms due in office

· May 6th is the fine arts festival from 4:45-8pm

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Minutes from the March meeting were submitted, reviewed, and passed. Denise Scholljegerdes made the motion to pass and Brandy Doyle seconded.


· We made just over $11,000 at carnival- auction brought in $3,800

· We had a $500 corporate match and a United Way donation

· This week PTO purchased 6 more computers for the library and 1 for Mr. Zachmann, and a doc cam for Mrs. Peterson

· Sherry Hamann made the motion to accept the report and Jennifer Marsnik seconded


· We had 130 volunteers for carnival

· Campbell’s labels were sent home with volunteers, volunteers also helped out with DI, spring pictures, and MCA’s

· 492 memory books ordered by students

· Will need volunteers to hang artwork for fine arts festival


General Mills: Sherry Hamann-

Campbell Labels: Kim Keller-sent packets home for clipping

Carnival: Tiffany Cich and Nicolle Ristow – Need new chair to work alongside Nicolle Ristow- we lost money because some games were not run properly and we need more signs for crazy hair

Carnival Auction – Carrie Vake –

Carnival Kitchen – Carrie Krautkramer-

Fundraiser: Still need- Walk a thon will be September 15th

Holiday Shop: Stacey Anderson/ Jennifer Argeros-

Johnsville t-shirts: Lisa Babineau-

PTO Facebook page – Brandy Doyle- up to 130 likes

SAC – Brandy Doyle-

Science Fair: Kim Keller-

School Directory: Angel Leckner –

Yearbook: Julie Bryant – Done submitting pictures and will order 525 books- will sell extra’s for $14

Old Business: T-shirts for Mr. Scheid are due this Thursday and will be coming the following week

New Business: DI (Destination Imagination) had 11 teams this year- 3 went to state and 1 team will be going to globals in Knoxville TN the last week of May. A grant request was made for $985 to help with costs of the trip or $250 to help transport props. Jennifer Marsnik will get more information and a vote will be made via email. Board member vote for next year: President- Carrie Vake, Vice President- Stacy Anderson, Treasurer- Angie Anderson and Gina Housman Nieder, Secretary- Maren Schultz

Meeting adjourned 7:34pm. Respectfully submitted, Maren Schultz, Secretary