PTO Minutes 01/21/14

Johnsville Elementary School PTO Minutes
January 21, 2014

Purpose of the Organization: PTO is organized for the purpose of supporting the education of children at Johnsville Elementary School by fostering relationships among the school, parent, and teachers. The organization will not seek to control administrative policy of the school but may offer input.
OFFICERS: President: Carrie Vake | Vice President : Staci Anderson | Treasurer: Denise Scholljegerdes | Secretary: Maren Schultz
STAFF PRESENT: Susan Eschbach, Scott Johnson
ATTENDEES: Chris Johnson, Kari Gislason, Pam Taylor, Sherry Hamann, Brandy Doyle, Stephanie Larson, Stacy Anderson, Carrie Vake, Denise Scholljergerdes, Jamie Bernsdorf, Gina Housman Nieder, Maren Schultz
Meeting called to order at 6:36p.m.
• Science fair huge success
• Blaine honor choir visiting on January 31st at 9:30 for grades 3,4, and 5
• OLPA testing last week of January for grades 3-5
• January 21- February 7th MAP reading for grades 2-5
• February 18-20th conferences
• Prometheon boards installed in kindergarten classrooms over spring break
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Minutes from the November meeting were submitted, reviewed, and passed. Sherry Hamann made the motion to pass and Kari Gislason seconded.
• 3rd grade received a $7,000 donation for Chrome books from Premier Dental.
• A corporate donation of $500 was matched
• Need to get the word out next year about teacher grants so more teachers can make use of it. Pam Taylor made the motion to accept report and Sherry Hamann seconded.
• Great turnout at Holiday shop and science fair
• Will be trying out a sign up for food donations at teacher conferences in February
• Carnival information will be going out first week of February
General Mills: Sherry Hamann-
Campbell Labels: Kim Keller-
Carnival: Tiffany Cich and Nicolle Ristow –
Carnival Auction – Carrie Vake – Need help getting donations
Carnival Kitchen – Carrie Krautkramer-
Fundraiser: Still need- Walk a thon is planned for next fall again
Holiday Shop: Stacey Anderson/ Jennifer Argeros- Going on again next year
Johnsville t-shirts: Lisa Babineau- Will be doing new logo for shirts
PTO Facebook page – Brandy Doyle-
SAC – Brandy Doyle-
Science Fair: Kim Keller-
School Directory – Went out to parents, few extra copies in the office
Yearbook: Julie Bryant – Take pictures!
Old Business:
New Business:
• Next year’s budget will have approximately $18,000 to work with. We would like to budget $700 for a dock cam for Mrs. Peterson, $1,200 for another lyseum in the spring, and $5,000 for teacher requests. That totals $6,900 and leaves us with $11,000. Motion to accept this was made by Denise Scholljegerdes and 2nd by Brandy Doyle
• A motion was made by Stacy Anderson to pass the updated policies, bylaws, and procedures and 2nd by Sherry Hamann

Meeting adjourned 7:35pm. Respectfully submitted, Maren Schultz, Secretary