PTO Minutes 10/15/13
Johnsville Elementary School PTO Minutes
October 15, 2013
Purpose of the Organization: PTO is organized for the purpose of supporting the education of children at Johnsville Elementary School by fostering relationships among the school, parent, and teachers. The organization will not seek to control administrative policy of the school but may offer input.
OFFICERS: President Carrie Vake
Vice President Staci Anderson
Treasurer Denise Scholljegerdes
Secretary Maren Schultz
STAFF PRESENT: Susan Eschbach, Jean King
Attendees: Denise Scholljegerdes, Brandy Doyle, Dina Preston, Chris Johnson, Kari Gislason, Angie Anderson, Gina Housman Nieder, Sherry Hamann, Pam Taylor, Carrie Vake, Stacy Anderson, Angela Schiller, Angel Leckner, and Maren Schultz
Meeting called to order at 6:33p.m.
• Fall conferences highly attended and dinner for teachers greatly appreciated.
• 5th grade field trip to MN Heritage lab at Wargo Nature Center on October 14 as well as half of the kindergarten to PineHaven Farm on the 14th
• Upcoming field trips are the other half of kindergarten to PineHaven Farm on October 22 and Grade 2 to Children’s Theater and MN Institute of Arts on 10/22 as well
• Climb Theater coming on October 29 for grades 2-4.
• No school October 16 for staff development and October 17 and 18 for MEA
• Picture retakes are October 30
• New teacher computers are gradually being imaged and will be placed in classrooms in the upcoming weeks.
• Mobile labs are being imaged at the district offices and will be delivered soon.
• 3rd grade teachers have just started using the document cameras purchased by the PTO
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Minutes from the September meeting were submitted, reviewed, and passed. Brandy Doyle made the motion to pass and Jean King seconded.
• Walk-a-thon raised over $21,000- new total takes into account bounced checks.
• There are a few teacher grants coming in. Angel Leckner made the motion to accept report and Stacy Anderson seconded.
• Teachers very thankful for the 3 nights of dinner provided during conferences this year- usually just 2 nights.
• Volunteers have been helping out in classrooms, field trips, and picture day.
• Will need volunteers for Holiday shop and science fair.
• Turn in criminal background checks if you are volunteering
General Mills: Sherry Hamann- send in monthly
Campbell Labels: Kim Keller- will start sending labels home to volunteers
Carnival: Tiffany Cich and Nicolle Ristow –Looking for new chairs for next year
Carnival Auction – Carrie Vake – need help
Carnival Kitchen – Carrie Krautkramer-
Fundraiser: Still need- Heggies pizza in February and will have the family fun night again next year
Holiday Shop: Stacey Anderson/ Jennifer Argeros- Will be December 7th. Still need a photographer and looking for volunteers on Friday the 6th after 6pm and the day of. Girl Scouts will be selling books and doughnuts.
Johnsville t-shirts: Lisa Babineau- forms should be turned in
PTO Facebook page – Brandy Doyle-
SAC – Brandy Doyle- Did a pre K – 3rd grade study- watched video on how to help kids learn math and reading in these early years and what is expected when they get to kindergarten. Kindergarten is changing to every day all day in 2014 and Welcome week for kindergarten students has been changed. High school registration will be changing in 2014- a guide will be posted in December that goes over course and prerequisites. SAC is changing it’s name to Word’s Best Work Force.
Science Fair: Kim Keller-
School Directory – Huge response! Goal is to have this to printer by 10/31
Yearbook: Julie Bryant – Take pictures!
Old Business: In the bylaws and policies it was decided to eliminate term limit
New Business: Our faith partner Cedar United Methodist gave a donation and will be replenishing the food shelf in November. District is offering a program to match purchase of prometheon boards. The cost will be $5,400 to purchase 4 boards- $750 each board, $140 in brackets, $285 for installation, and $185 in shipping. Kari Gislason made the motion to purchase these and Pam Taylor seconded. We will allocate money from the operating fund. Also there is a food shelf at Zion Lutheran once a month call Fair for All- this month is on the 24th from 4-6pm.
Meeting adjourned 8:07
Respectfully submitted, Maren Schultz, Secretary