Govt and Politics Syllabus

Government and Politics

Instructor: Mr. Wewers

Room: 101

Phone: 763-506-7462


Course Description: United States Government and Politics is a one trimester, required social studies class.  Seniors must take both economics and government to fulfill the senior social studies requirement.   The course covers the legislative, executive and judicial branches of the U.S. government, creation of public policy, state and local government, constitutional law concepts, the American legal system, and U.S. foreign policy.


TEXT: Government Alive  Google Classroom Code: 94ialob


Unit 1: Introduction to Government and Politics

Unit 2: The Three Branches of Gov’t and Foreign Policy

Unit 3: Constitutional Law

Unit 4: The American Legal System



Be Prepared. Be on time and ready to work when the bell rings. Be respectful.  Be verbally and physically respectful of others.  Be respectful of the classroom environment.  Be kind.  Do work. Ask questions. Unless otherwise directed, work individually and independently.


Standards Based Grading

Grading will be based on demonstration of proficiency of learning targets. Students who score below 60% on a learning target will receive an academic warning and an NP in the gradebook. Retesting will be available after remediation is completed.


Evidence of proficiency of learning targets will be shown through unit tests. Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate proficiency in other ways as they work with the teacher.

For the final trimester grade, refer to the grading table.


Students have no NP’s (This is non negotiable). Students must earn credit in each term REGARDLESS of CSA score.


have completed A average work each term


achieve 90% or higher on the district Common Summative Assessment

(the final, CSA.)


Students have no NP’s (This is non negotiable). Students must earn credit in each term REGARDLESS of CSA score.


have completed B average work each term


achieve 80% or higher on the district Common Summative Assessment

(the final, CSA.)


Students have no NP’s


Students have completed A or B average work and scored less than 50% on the Common Summative Assessment (the final, CSA.)


Students has not completed work at 70% or better in a term.


Absences and Assignments

Classwork will be given each day. Daily work will help students learn concepts and is required to earn a passing grade. It is a given that some students may be absent from time to time. If a student makes the choice to be gone and miss material learned, they will need to make up that information on their own time.

Academic Dishonesty

Academic Dishonesty will not be tolerated by any means.  If a student is caught cheating, all parties involved will receive a zero for that specific assignment, quiz, test or project and will be referred to an assistant principal. Take your education seriously; with the new grading policy it is the student’s responsibility to understand each learning target and cheating helps no one.