Fast facts: Question 1 explained

  • Question 1 explained: Considering the renewal of an operating levy

    The operating levy renewal would provide stability in our schools. It’s equal to 9.3% of the school district’s operating budget, or $34.5 million dollars. The operating budget supports classroom learning and school operations, which includes instruction and instructional support, transportation and pupil support, school building operations, school and district administration.

    A renewal of Question 1 provides stability in our schools:

    • Maintaining elective options to support student’s preparations for future college and career goals,
    • And maintaining class size at all levels.

    Approval of Question 1 would maintain services for ten years. The operating levy was initially approved by the community in 2007, and renewed again in 2011 for taxes levied in 2011-2020.

    Question 1 would address class size to maintain stability in schools.

    Question 1 provides $34.5 million to the district's general fund which is used to address class sizes.

     Question 1 would provide elective options in schools.






    Question 1 maintains a wide range of elective programs offered in schools to support every student's preparations for future college and career goals.