Fast facts: Question 2 explained
Question 2 explained: Capital projects levy provides technology resources for student learning
The capital projects levy funding provides technology to support learning in the classroom. This funding was first authorized by voters in 2011 and has provided stability to allow district students to benefit from access to computers, wireless bandwidth and audio enhanced classrooms to support education for the past decade. Most metro area school districts utilize a capital projects levy to fund student technology.
Technology is a tool to support every student. How important is the ability to use computers and other technology for today’s students? A recent community survey indicated that 85% of community members and families believe that access to technology is either absolutely essential or very important for today's students. (Results from Feb. 2021 community survey by Decision Resources.) View a technology fact sheet.
A renewal of Question 2 supports success for students by providing students with access to technology, giving teachers options to connect the classroom to the real world and reducing technology gaps where some students have access to technology and others do not. Question 2 is a renewal; if approved, there would be no tax impact. Current taxes would be extended.
If Question 2 is not approved, the district will need to reduce $4.5 million from the budget in other areas to provide technology for students in the classroom, which means the school district could also be faced with not maintaining the same technology tools and resources that have been added over the past ten years, such as:
- computers, chromebooks and iPads,
- projectors,
- broadband infrastructure and wireless networks in every school,
- interactive technologies and software,
- audio enhanced classrooms,
- and more.
View a technology fact sheet to learn how the capital projects levy revenue would be used.
Technology’s role in preparing students for life
Anoka-Hennepin Schools mission is to prepare students for life. Technology skills are a foundational element to provide options for career, college, military or any pathway students may choose.
Video series from technology
The next four weeks, the school district is sharing examples from four classrooms across the school district to learn how technology is embedded in classrooms at Anoka-Hennepin Schools to enhance teaching and learning. Here are a few examples of how technology enhances learning in our schools:
Meeting students’ needs to prepare for college or career
Take a look at how students at Anoka High School utilize technology to develop strategic thinking and problem solving skills, preparing them to be successful in the workforce.
Expanding teachable moments in the classroom
Learn how a math teacher at Anoka Middle School utilizes iPads to guide and inform students while leading a lesson.
Enhancing student interaction and support
An English teacher at Oak View Middle School demonstrates how she utilizes technology platforms in her classroom to meet students where they are and provide additional opportunities for student engagement.
Enriching lessons in the classroom
See how technology platforms inspire student participation and provide hands-on experiences to understand and grasp math concepts.