Districtwide directory
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School directories
Elementary schools
- Adams Elementary School
- Andover Elementary School
- Brookside Elementary School
- Champlin-Brooklyn Park Academy for Math and Environmental Science
- Crooked Lake Elementary School
- Dayton Elementary School
- Eisenhower Elementary School
- Evergreen Park World Cultures Community School
- Franklin Elementary School
- Hamilton Elementary School
- Hoover Elementary School
- Jefferson Elementary School
- Johnsville Elementary School
- Lincoln Elementary School for the Arts
- Madison Elementary School
- McKinley Elementary School
- Mississippi Elementary School
- Monroe Elementary School - Mathematics, Science and Children's Engineering
- Morris Bye Elementary School
- Oxbow Creek Elementary School
- Ramsey Elementary School
- Rum River Elementary School
- Sand Creek Elementary School
- Sunrise Elementary School
- University Avenue Elementary School - Aerospace, Children's Engineering and Science
- Wilson Elementary School
Department directories
Administrative services (operations)
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department Greg Cole ESC Chief Operations Officer Greg.Cole@ahschools.us (763) 506-1175 Operations Tim Koltes ESC Business Specialist Tim.Koltes@ahschools.us (763) 506-1106 Operations -
Associate superintendent offices
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department Karin Arnsdorf ESC Admin Assistant Karin.Arnsdorf@ahschools.us (763) 506-1061 Associate Super Fiorella Ball ESC Admin Assistant Fiorella.Ball@ahschools.us (763) 506-1008 Associate Super Becky Brodeur ESC Assoc Supt Middle Schools Becky.Brodeur@ahschools.us (763) 506-1459 Associate Super Joshua Delich ESC Assoc Supt High Schools Joshua.Delich@ahschools.us (763) 506-1005 Associate Super Morgan Holleman ESC Admin Assistant Morgan.Holleman@ahschools.us (763) 506-1009 Associate Super Coleen Mateychuk ESC Secretary Lead - Dept Coleen.Mateychuk@ahschools.us (763) 506-1123 Associate Super Mary Wolverton ESC Assoc Supt Elementary Mary.Wolverton@ahschools.us (763) 506-1004 Associate Super Annette Ziegler ESC Director Elem Schools Annette.Ziegler@ahschools.us (763) 506-1122 Associate Super -
Buildings and grounds
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department Benjamin Abraham ESC B/G Whse Benjamin.Abraham@ahschools.us (763) 506-1321 Bldg Gnds Mark Ackerman ESC B/G Supv Construct Proj Mark.Ackerman@ahschools.us (763) 506-1201 Bldg Gnds Jesse Alsaker ESC B/G Maint Spec Jesse.Alsaker@ahschools.us (763) 506-1229 Bldg Gnds Rob Baker ESC B/G Maint Spec Rob.Baker@ahschools.us (763) 506-1200 Bldg Gnds Ryan Baumann ESC B/G Maint Spec Ryan.Baumann@ahschools.us (763) 506-1217 Bldg Gnds Jacob Becker ESC B/G Maint Spec Jacob.Becker@ahschools.us (763) 506-1236 Bldg Gnds Jared Boyer ESC B/G Grounds Crew Jared.Boyer@ahschools.us (763) 506-1200 Bldg Gnds Paul Cruze ESC B/G Maint Spec Paul.Cruze@ahschools.us (763) 506-1200 Bldg Gnds Aaron Dixon ESC B/G Maint Spec Aaron.Dixon@ahschools.us (763) 506-1200 Bldg Gnds Michael Egnash ESC B/G Whse Michael.Egnash@ahschools.us (763) 506-1321 Bldg Gnds Scott Eisenschenk ESC B/G Maint Spec Scott.Eisenschenk@ahschools.us (763) 506-1209 Bldg Gnds Kari Erdahl ESC Tech Support Spec III Kari.Erdahl@ahschools.us (763) 506-1226 Bldg Gnds Terry Fisher ESC Secretary Terry.Fisher@ahschools.us (763) 506-1204 Bldg Gnds Noel Flavion ESC B/G Maint Spec Woodshop Noel.Flavion@ahschools.us (763) 506-1200 Bldg Gnds Timothy Fournier ESC Security & Emergency Ops Mgr Timothy.Fournier@ahschools.us (763) 506-1208 Bldg Gnds John Gibson ESC B/G Building Supervisor John.Gibson@ahschools.us (763) 506-5520 Bldg Gnds Mitchell Herke ESC B/G Building Supervisor Mitchell.Herke@ahschools.us (763) 506-1210 Bldg Gnds Dean Holmstrom ESC B/G Building Supervisor Dean.Holmstrom@ahschools.us (763) 506-1314 Bldg Gnds Connor House ESC B/G Grounds Mechanic Irrig Connor.House@ahschools.us (763) 506-1200 Bldg Gnds David Jensen Sorteberg ECC B/G Building Supervisor David.Jensen@ahschools.us (763) 433-4810 Bldg Gnds Jeremiha Johnson ESC B/G Grounds Crew Jeremiha.Johnson@ahschools.us (763) 506-1200 Bldg Gnds Molly Kampa-Alsaker ESC Secretary Molly.KampaAlsaker@ahschools.us (763) 506-1219 Bldg Gnds Benjamin Lehner ESC B/G Maint Spec Benjamin.Lehner@ahschools.us (763) 506-1200 Bldg Gnds NicoleK Magaard ESC B/G Custodian Day Lead NicoleK.Magaard@ahschools.us (763) 506-1236 Bldg Gnds Curt Maki ESC B/G Supv Construct Proj Curt.Maki@ahschools.us (763) 506-1225 Bldg Gnds Bruce Markow ESC B/G Grounds Crew Bruce.Markow@ahschools.us (763) 506-1200 Bldg Gnds Benjamin Martinson ESC B/G Director Benjamin.Martinson@ahschools.us (763) 506-1228 Bldg Gnds Al Matezevich ESC B/G Maint Spec Al.Matezevich@ahschools.us (763) 506-1200 Bldg Gnds Jeffrey McLain ESC B/G Whse Jeffrey.McLain@ahschools.us (763) 506-1315 Bldg Gnds Lisa Medved ESC Secretary Lead - Dept Lisa.Medved@ahschools.us (763) 506-1218 Bldg Gnds -
Business services
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department Jennifer Beck ESC Finance Director Jennifer.Beck@ahschools.us (763) 506-1038 Business Svcs Jessica Borglum ESC Finance Compliance Manager Jessica.Borglum@ahschools.us (763) 506-1164 Business Svcs Michelle Malarkey ESC Financial Data Specialist Michelle.Malarkey@ahschools.us (763) 506-1037 Business Svcs Michelle Vargas ESC Chief Financial Officer Michelle.Vargas@ahschools.us (763) 506-1036 Business Svcs Denise Zurbey ESC Accountant Denise.Zurbey@ahschools.us (763) 506-1045 Business Svcs -
Business services: accounting
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department Carolyn Ballstadt ESC Secretary Lead - Dept Carolyn.Ballstadt@ahschools.us (763) 506-1043 Accounting Francisca Elicabeth ESC Secretary Francisca.Elicabeth@ahschools.us (763) 506-1044 Accounting Jennifer Heem ESC Secretary Jennifer.Heem@ahschools.us (763) 506-1047 Accounting Marianna Plastun ESC Secretary Marianna.Plastun@ahschools.us (763) 506-1041 Accounting Briana Volkers ESC Accounting Manager Briana.Volkers@ahschools.us (763) 506-1042 Accounting -
Business services: payroll
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department Emily Ahart ESC Payroll Manager Emily.Ahart@ahschools.us (763) 506-1051 Payroll Kim Brotkowski ESC Confidential Employee Kim.Brotkowski@ahschools.us (763) 506-1053 Payroll Kayla Donais ESC Confidential Employee Kayla.Donais@ahschools.us (763) 506-1057 Payroll Pam Happke ESC Payroll Data Specialist Pam.Happke@ahschools.us (763) 506-1058 Payroll Kerry Hommes ESC Confidential Employee Kerry.Hommes@ahschools.us (763) 506-1055 Payroll Megan Justice ESC Confidential Employee Megan.Justice@ahschools.us (763) 506-1052 Payroll Svetlana Legun ESC Confidential Employee Svetlana.Legun@ahschools.us (763) 506-1054 Payroll -
Business services: purchasing
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department Tiffany Audette ESC Director Purchasing Tiffany.Audette@ahschools.us (763) 506-1306 Purchasing Mandy Hansen ESC Secretary Mandy.Hansen@ahschools.us (763) 506-1304 Purchasing Lois Irber ESC Secretary Lead - Dept Lois.Irber@ahschools.us (763) 506-1303 Purchasing Brian Marquis ESC Purchasing Supervisor Brian.Marquis@ahschools.us (763) 506-1302 Purchasing Ashley Masog ESC Secretary Ashley.Masog@ahschools.us (763) 506-1305 Purchasing Anita McLaughlin ESC Secretary Anita.McLaughlin@ahschools.us (763) 506-1311 Purchasing Carla Ranelle ESC Secretary Lead - Dept Carla.Ranelle@ahschools.us (763) 506-1301 Purchasing -
Communication and public relations
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department Tim Evans ESC Communications Specialist Tim.Evans@ahschools.us (763) 506-1110 Comm and PR Heather Peters ESC Asst Dir Comm & PR Heather.Peters@ahschools.us (763) 506-1140 Comm and PR Jim Skelly ESC Exec Dir Comm & Public Rel Jim.Skelly@ahschools.us (763) 506-1111 Comm and PR -
Community Education
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department Jodi Abrahamson ESC A+ Program Coord Jodi.Abrahamson@ahschools.us (763) 506-1426 CED-A+ Deborah Adas Blaine ECC Preschool Asst. Instructor PT Deborah.Adas@ahschools.us (763) 433-4796 CED-EC Tanya Ahlbaum ESC Preschool Asst. Instructor PT Tanya.Ahlbaum@ahschools.us (763) 433-4137 CED-SRP Monica Allen Brookside Elem A+ Site Coordinator Monica.Allen@ahschools.us (763) 433-5213 CED-A+ Jennifer Ames Brookside Elem Vol Serv Coord PT Jennifer.Ames@ahschools.us (763) 433-5230 CED-VS Jacob Andersen University Ave Elem A+ Site Leader Jacob.Andersen@ahschools.us (763) 506-4513 CED-A+ Kelli Anderson Andover Elem Vol Serv Coord PT Kelli.Anderson@ahschools.us (763) 506-1723 CED-VS Antoinette Azad CED ABE CHF ABE Teacher Antoinette.Azad@ahschools.us (763) 706-3833 CED-ABE Kelly Backes Johnsville Elem A+ Site Coordinator Kelly.Backes@ahschools.us (763) 506-3013 CED-A+ Brent Backstrom CED ABE BLL ABE Teacher Brent.Backstrom@ahschools.us (763) 433-4245 CED-ABE Kendra Bailey Sorteberg ECC ECFE/Preschl Cas AsstInstr Kendra.Bailey@ahschools.us (763) 433-4922 CED-SRP Laura Bautch ESC A+ Casual Registered Nurse Laura.Bautch@ahschools.us (763) 506-1424 CED-A+ Annmarie Belanger ESC Secretary Comm Ed Annmarie.Belanger@ahschools.us (763) 506-1406 CED-A+ Haley Belongia Oxbow Creek Elem Vol Serv Coord PT Haley.Belongia@ahschools.us (763) 506-3830 CED-VS Jennifer Berger Riverview ECC ECFE Teacher Jennifer.Berger@ahschools.us (763) 506-6140 CED-EC Amanda Bialke Andover Elem A+ Site Coordinator Amanda.Bialke@ahschools.us (763) 506-1713 CED-A+ Angela Bidler ESC ECFE Teacher Angela.Bidler@ahschools.us (763) 433-4187 CED-EC Cheryl Black CR Family Place Preschool Asst. Instructor PT Cheryl.Black@ahschools.us (763) 433-4655 CED-SRP Debbie Blatz University Ave Elem Vol Serv Coord PT Debbie.Blatz@ahschools.us (763) 506-4530 CED-VS Deanna Bloodgood ESC Secretary Comm Ed Deanna.Bloodgood@ahschools.us (763) 506-1286 CED-Office Scott Boileau ESC A+ Program Coord Scott.Boileau@ahschools.us (763) 506-1416 CED-A+ Katelynn Bradley ESC ECFE/Preschl PT AsstInstr Katelynn.Bradley@ahschools.us (763) 506-7848 CED-SRP Emily Broden CED ABE BLL ABE PT Literacy Asst Emily.Broden@ahschools.us (763) 433-4228 CED-ABE Holly Broden CED ABE CHF ABE Literacy Asst Holly.Broden@ahschools.us (763) 576-4722 CED-ABE Amy Brooks ESC Secretary Comm Ed Amy.Brooks@ahschools.us (763) 506-1290 CED-Office Wendy Brown Monroe Elem Vol Serv Coord PT Wendy.Brown@ahschools.us (763) 506-3630 CED-VS Krista Bukoskey Blaine ECC Secretary School Year Krista.Bukoskey@ahschools.us (763) 433-4776 CED-EC Crystal Burger Morris Bye Elem A+ Site Coordinator Crystal.Burger@ahschools.us (763) 506-3713 CED-A+ Laura Buysse Anoka HS Preschool Instructor FT Laura.Buysse@ahschools.us (763) 506-6463 CED-SRP Kristen Cairns CED ABE CHF ABE Teacher Kristen.Cairns@ahschools.us (763) 706-3833 CED-ABE -
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department Cassandra Anderson ESC Teacher SA-TALS Cassandra.Anderson@ahschools.us (763) 506-1167 Curriculum Scott Arcand ESC Teacher SA-TALS Scott.Arcand@ahschools.us (763) 506-7734 Curriculum Daniel Bordwell ESC Teacher SA-TALS Daniel.Bordwell@ahschools.us (763) 506-1533 Curriculum Penny Carda ESC Teacher SA-Coach Penny.Carda@ahschools.us (763) 506-7893 Curriculum Mandy Erlandson ESC Teacher SA-TALS Mandy.Erlandson@ahschools.us (763) 506-1146 Curriculum Emily Essen ESC Teacher SA-Coach Emily.Essen@ahschools.us (763) 506-1439 Curriculum Chad Fellows ESC Teacher SA-TALS Chad.Fellows@ahschools.us (763) 506-1455 Curriculum Alissa Geisenhoff ESC Teacher SA-Coach Alissa.Geisenhoff@ahschools.us (763) 506-1499 Curriculum Lori Harris ESC Teacher SA-TALS Lori.Harris@ahschools.us (763) 506-1074 Curriculum Michele Isaacson ESC Teacher SA-TALS Michele.Isaacson@ahschools.us (763) 506-1079 Curriculum Alissa Knutson Hamilton Elem Teacher Grade 1 Alissa.Knutson@ahschools.us (763) 506-2736 Curriculum Chad Libby ESC Teacher SA-TALS Chad.Libby@ahschools.us (763) 506-1115 Curriculum Kim Lilledahl ESC Secretary Lead - Dept Kim.Lilledahl@ahschools.us (763) 506-1162 Curriculum Jennifer Mares Andover Elem Teacher SA-Coach Jennifer.Mares@ahschools.us (763) 506-1732 Curriculum Katie Nordstrom ESC Technical Spec Surr Mat Attnd Katie.Nordstrom@ahschools.us (763) 506-1322 Curriculum Anne Norsted ESC Teacher SA-TALS Anne.Norsted@ahschools.us (763) 506-1170 Curriculum Kayla Pederson ESC Secretary Kayla.Pederson@ahschools.us (763) 506-1113 Curriculum Breann Pojar ESC Secretary Breann.Pojar@ahschools.us (763) 506-1174 Curriculum Nichole Rens ESC Director Secd Curr & Inst Nichole.Rens@ahschools.us (763) 506-1135 Curriculum Candice Riley ESC Teacher SA-TALS Candice.Riley@ahschools.us (763) 506-1068 Curriculum Ann Sangster ESC Director Elem Curr & Inst Ann.Sangster@ahschools.us (763) 506-1063 Curriculum Megan Schmidt ESC Teacher SA-Coach Megan.Schmidt@ahschools.us (763) 506-1163 Curriculum Bonnie Schneider ESC Teacher SA-Coach Bonnie.Schneider@ahschools.us (763) 506-7895 Curriculum Julie Scullen ESC Teacher SA-TALS Julie.Scullen@ahschools.us (763) 506-1443 Curriculum Jennifer Siebrecht ESC Secretary Lead - Dept Jennifer.Siebrecht@ahschools.us (763) 506-1066 Curriculum Steve Slavik ESC Teacher SA-TALS Steve.Slavik@ahschools.us (763) 506-7732 Curriculum Stephanie Smith ESC Teacher SA-Coach Stephanie.Smith@ahschools.us (763) 506-1468 Curriculum Anne Stauffacher ESC Teacher SA-TALS Anne.Stauffacher@ahschools.us (763) 506-1195 Curriculum Jessica Tucker ESC Teacher SA-TALS Jessica.Tucker@ahschools.us (763) 506-7735 Curriculum John Wolhaupter ESC Teacher SA-TALS John.Wolhaupter@ahschools.us (763) 506-7730 Curriculum -
Employee services
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department Karen Black ESC Confidential Employee Karen.Black@ahschools.us (763) 506-1090 Empl Svcs Faith Blackwell ESC Confidential Employee Faith.Blackwell@ahschools.us (763) 506-1093 Empl Svcs Kris Bolden ESC Confidential Employee Kris.Bolden@ahschools.us (763) 506-1104 Empl Svcs Liz Burgard ESC Recruit Retention Spec Liz.Burgard@ahschools.us (763) 506-1095 Empl Svcs Brian Duffy ESC Director Employee Services Brian.Duffy@ahschools.us (763) 506-1101 Empl Svcs Jan Herbst ESC Confidential Employee Jan.Herbst@ahschools.us (763) 506-1088 Empl Svcs Heather Kimbler ESC Confidential Employee Heather.Kimbler@ahschools.us (763) 506-1096 Empl Svcs Shelly Leciejewski ESC Employee Services Manager Shelly.Leciejewski@ahschools.us (763) 506-1109 Empl Svcs Lisa Norling ESC Confidential Employee Lisa.Norling@ahschools.us (763) 506-1099 Empl Svcs Debbie Richter ESC Confidential Employee Debbie.Richter@ahschools.us (763) 506-1092 Empl Svcs Amy Ronyak ESC Confidential Employee Amy.Ronyak@ahschools.us (763) 506-1098 Empl Svcs Andrea Schuldt ESC Employee Services Supv Andrea.Schuldt@ahschools.us (763) 506-1086 Empl Svcs -
General counsel
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department Laura Becker ESC Admin Assistant Laura.Becker@ahschools.us (763) 506-1081 General Counsel Tim Palmatier ESC General Counsel Tim.Palmatier@ahschools.us (763) 506-1089 General Counsel Roseann T Schreifels ESC Associate General Counsel Roseann.Schreifels@ahschools.us (763) 506-1144 General Counsel -
Labor relations and benefits
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department Tamara Cardinal ESC Confidential Employee Tamara.Cardinal@ahschools.us (763) 506-1178 Labor Relations/Bene Diane Kilmer ESC HR Systems Manager Diane.Kilmer@ahschools.us (763) 506-1082 Labor Relations/Bene Sandra Lachance ESC Emp Data Systems Integration Specialist Sandra.LaChance@ahschools.us (763) 506-1087 Labor Relations/Bene Todd Mensink ESC Director Labor Rel & Benefits Todd.Mensink@ahschools.us (763) 506-1142 Labor Relations/Bene HeatherL Olson ESC Confidential Employee HeatherL.Olson@ahschools.us (763) 506-1091 Labor Relations/Bene Vicki Vancura ESC Confidential Employee Vicki.Vancura@ahschools.us (763) 506-1108 Labor Relations/Bene -
Labor relations and benefits: insurance
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department Lisa Leiner ESC Confidential Employee Lisa.Leiner@ahschools.us (763) 506-1083 Insurance Becky Mashuga ESC Confidential Employee Becky.Mashuga@ahschools.us (763) 506-1078 Insurance Jackie Nelson ESC Ins Benefits Supv Jackie.Nelson@ahschools.us (763) 506-1085 Insurance Christine Sundeen ESC Confidential Employee Christine.Sundeen@ahschools.us (763) 506-1084 Insurance -
Mental health
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department Hannah Langholz Jackson MS Mental Health Therapist Hannah.Langholz@ahschools.us (763) 506-5266 MHT Beth Marolt Sand Creek Elem Mental Health Therapist Beth.Marolt@ahschools.us (763) 506-4387 MHT Michelle Rosenau Champlin Park HS Mental Health Therapist Michelle.Rosenau@ahschools.us (763) 506-6881 MHT Eileen Schneider Eisenhower Elem Mental Health Therapist Eileen.Schneider@ahschools.us (763) 506-2339 MHT Nikki Sharpe Coon Rapids MS Mental Health Therapist Nikki.Sharpe@ahschools.us (763) 506-4875 MHT -
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department Andrea Adams Oxbow Creek Elem Child Nutr Site Supv Andrea.Adams@ahschools.us (763) 506-3811 Child Nutrition Noah Atlas ESC Child Nutrition Director Noah.Atlas@ahschools.us (763) 506-1243 Child Nutrition Christine Basterash Oak View MS Child Nutr Site Supv Christine.Basterash@ahschools.us (763) 506-5611 Child Nutrition Amy Beehler-Miller Jefferson Elem Child Nutr Site Supv Amy.BeehlerMiller@ahschools.us (763) 506-2911 Child Nutrition Kimberly Berthiaume ESC Secretary Kimberly.Berthiaume@ahschools.us (763) 506-1242 Child Nutrition Melissa Bjerkness Andover HS Child Nutr Site Supv Melissa.Bjerkness@ahschools.us (763) 506-8411 Child Nutrition Cindie Braun ESC Asst Child Nutr Site Supv Cindie.Braun@ahschools.us (763) 506-1211 Child Nutrition Donna Calin Champlin Park HS Child Nutr Site Supv Donna.Calin@ahschools.us (763) 506-6811 Child Nutrition Tami Clark Roosevelt MS Child Nutrition Asst Tami.Clark@ahschools.us (763) 506-5811 Child Nutrition Genna Deprey ESC Child Nutrition Chef Supervisor Genna.Deprey@ahschools.us (763) 506-1230 Child Nutrition Lynn Espedal ESC Secretary Lead - Dept Lynn.Espedal@ahschools.us (763) 506-1245 Child Nutrition Jaclyn Ewing Sandburg Regional HS Child Nutr Site Supv Jaclyn.Ewing@ahschools.us (763) 506-7411 Child Nutrition Angie Fitzgerald ESC Child Nutr Site Supv Angie.Fitzgerald@ahschools.us (763) 506-1211 Child Nutrition Lauren Green Crooked Lake Elem Child Nutr Site Supv Lauren.Green@ahschools.us (763) 506-2111 Child Nutrition Sarah Heem Roosevelt MS Child Nutr Site Supv Sarah.Heem@ahschools.us (763) 506-5811 Child Nutrition Lisa Iverson COMPASS Child Nutr Site Supv Lisa.Iverson@ahschools.us (763) 506-3211 Child Nutrition Megan Kittelson Northdale MS Child Nutr Site Supv Megan.Kittelson@ahschools.us (763) 506-5411 Child Nutrition Roberta Knoop Madison Elem Child Nutr Site Supv Roberta.Knoop@ahschools.us (763) 506-3311 Child Nutrition Gail Kullhem-Dickson ESC Child Nutrition Staffing Coord Gail.KullhemDickson@ahschools.us (763) 506-1249 Child Nutrition Lori Langlie Anoka MS Washington Child Nutr Site Supv Lori.Langlie@ahschools.us (763) 506-4611 Child Nutrition Jennifer Linck-Tollefsbol Coon Rapids HS Child Nutr Site Supv Jennifer.LinckTollefsbol@ahschools.us (763) 506-7111 Child Nutrition Laureen Maras McKinley Elem Child Nutr Site Supv Laureen.Maras@ahschools.us (763) 506-3411 Child Nutrition Louann Mattson Morris Bye Elem Child Nutr Site Supv Louann.Mattson@ahschools.us (763) 506-3711 Child Nutrition Sherry McClellan ESC Asst Child Nutr Site Supv Sherry.McClellan@ahschools.us (763) 506-1211 Child Nutrition Esther Motyka ESC CNP Mgr-Site Op & Food Safety Esther.Motyka@ahschools.us (763) 506-1248 Child Nutrition Arthur Payne ESC Tech Support Techn Arthur.Payne@ahschools.us (763) 506-1244 Child Nutrition Neal Pearce ESC Child Nutrition Training Coord Neal.Pearce@ahschools.us (763) 506-1326 Child Nutrition Tamara Saba ESC Child Nutrition Asst Tamara.Saba@ahschools.us (763) 506-1211 Child Nutrition Amanda Samborski Coon Rapids MS Child Nutr Site Supv Amanda.Samborski@ahschools.us (763) 506-4811 Child Nutrition Gretchen Schroeder Jackson MS Child Nutr Site Supv Gretchen.Schroeder@ahschools.us (763) 506-5311 Child Nutrition -
Print shop
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Q Comp
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Research, evaluation and testing
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department Brenda Classen ESC Secretary Brenda.Classen@ahschools.us (763) 506-1117 RET Ashley Cozadd ESC Res Eval Test Analytics Coord Ashley.Cozadd@ahschools.us (763) 506-1155 RET Joelene Ellenwood ESC Secretary Joelene.Ellenwood@ahschools.us (763) 506-1118 RET Jennifer Kallas ESC Educational Data Coord Jennifer.Kallas@ahschools.us (763) 506-1289 RET Angela Kurth Elbert ESC Res Eval Test Analyst Angela.KurthElbert@ahschools.us (763) 506-1165 RET James Robrahn ESC Tech Support Techn James.Robrahn@ahschools.us (763) 506-1119 RET Johnna Rohmer-Hirt ESC Exec Dir Research Eval Test Johnna.RohmerHirt@ahschools.us (763) 506-1121 RET Jeanne Sorsen ESC Research Eval Test Compliance Mgr Jeanne.Sorsen@ahschools.us (763) 506-1116 RET -
Special education
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department Tina Armstrong CR Family Place Secretary Tina.Armstrong@ahschools.us (763) 506-7621 SPED-Eval Tanya Atsidakos CR Family Place Teacher Psychologist Tanya.Atsidakos@ahschools.us (763) 506-7678 SPED-Eval Jennifer Babiracki ESC-SpEd Special Educ Prg Administrator Jennifer.Babiracki@ahschools.us (763) 506-1367 SPED Lisa Bailey CR Family Place Para Special Education Lisa.Bailey@ahschools.us (763) 506-7943 SPED-Eval Catherine Barkow ESC-SpEd Teacher Physical Therapist Catherine.Barkow@ahschools.us (763) 506-1457 SPED Tracey Baumgartner Sorteberg ECC Teacher Speech Clinician Tracey.Baumgartner@ahschools.us (763) 433-4889 SPED-Eval Owen Bell ESC-SpEd Secretary Owen.Bell@ahschools.us (763) 506-1366 SPED Lara Bergagna CR Family Place Secretary Lara.Bergagna@ahschools.us (763) 506-7622 SPED-Eval Sheila Beyer Sorteberg ECC Secretary Sheila.Beyer@ahschools.us (763) 433-4822 SPED-Eval MeLinda Bisek CR Family Place Teacher SLD MeLinda.Bisek@ahschools.us (763) 506-7695 SPED-Eval Angela Bofenkamp CR Mall Teacher Psychologist Angela.Bofenkamp@ahschools.us (763) 506-7680 SPED-Eval Joan Bohmert ESC-SpEd Teacher Physical Therapist Joan.Bohmert@ahschools.us (763) 506-1389 SPED Stephanie Brahms CR Family Place Teacher ASD (AutismSpect) Stephanie.Brahms@ahschools.us (763) 506-7672 SPED-Eval Tannajean Bubalo CR Family Place Teacher Speech Clinician Tannajean.Bubalo@ahschools.us (763) 506-7647 SPED-Eval Janet Budach CR Mall Teacher Psychologist Janet.Budach@ahschools.us (763) 506-7681 SPED-Eval Jessica Burshem CR Mall Teacher Psychologist Jessica.Burshem@ahschools.us (763) 506-7682 SPED-Eval Heather Bushard ESC-SpEd Teacher Behavioral Specialist Heather.Bushard@ahschools.us (763) 506-1413 SPED Anne Bydlon ESC-SpEd Secretary Anne.Bydlon@ahschools.us (763) 506-1352 SPED Jennifer Byers Riverview ECC Teacher EC/SE Jennifer.Byers@ahschools.us (763) 506-6151 SPED-Eval John Byers ESC-SpEd Teacher ABS (AcadBehav) John.Byers@ahschools.us (763) 506-1588 SPED Molly Cardosi ESC-SpEd Teacher Occupational Therapist Molly.Cardosi@ahschools.us (763) 506-1370 SPED Ann Carlson Blaine ECC Teacher EC/SE Ann.Carlson@ahschools.us (763) 433-4793 SPED-Eval Cynthia Carlson-Paetznick ESC-SpEd Teacher D/HH Cynthia.CarlsonPaetznick@ahschools.us (763) 506-1408 SPED Mara Carson ESC-SpEd Teacher Occupational Therapist Mara.Carson@ahschools.us (763) 506-1324 SPED Andrea Carter CR Family Place Teacher Speech Clinician Andrea.Carter@ahschools.us (763) 506-7653 SPED-Eval Rebecca Chileen CR Mall Teacher SLD Rebecca.Chileen@ahschools.us (763) 506-7696 SPED-Eval Traci Chur Verndale Teacher Blind or Visually Imp Traci.Chur@ahschools.us (763) 433-4727 SPED Amy Coil CR Mall Teacher SLD Amy.Coil@ahschools.us (763) 506-7697 SPED-Eval Peter Collins River Trail LC Teacher Psychologist Peter.Collins@ahschools.us (763) 506-1969 SPED-Eval Vicki Courts River Trail LC Special Educ Prg Administrator Vicki.Courts@ahschools.us (763) 506-1901 SPED -
Student services
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department Cheryl Bennek ESC Secretary Lead - Dept Cheryl.Bennek@ahschools.us (763) 506-1076 Student Svcs Benjamin Burgess ESC Indian Ed Advisor Benjamin.Burgess@ahschools.us (763) 506-1172 Student Svcs Victoria Campoverde Welcome Center ESL Cultural Liaison Victoria.Campoverde@ahschools.us (763) 433-4696 Student Svcs Victoria Campoverde Welcome Center ESL Intake Specalist VictoriaJ.Campoverde@ahschools.us (763) 433-4695 Student Svcs Denise Collins ESC Assist Director Student Services Denise.Collins@ahschools.us (763) 506-1120 Student Svcs Sara Davis Welcome Center Secretary Sara.Davis@ahschools.us (763) 433-4682 Student Svcs Heidi Geiss ESC Student Assist/Homeless Liaison Heidi.Geiss@ahschools.us (763) 506-1065 Student Svcs Ross Giles ESC Student Services Coordinator Ross.Giles@ahschools.us (763) 506-1151 Student Svcs Danielle Hale ESC Indian Ed Advisor Danielle.Hale@ahschools.us (763) 506-1287 Student Svcs Elizabeth Hendrickson ESC Indian Ed Advisor Elizabeth.Hendrickson@ahschools.us (763) 506-1073 Student Svcs Mindy Meyers ESC Amer. Indian Ed Coordinator Mindy.Meyers@ahschools.us (763) 506-1186 Student Svcs Britt Olean ESC Teacher Social Worker Britt.Olean@ahschools.us (763) 506-1152 Student Svcs Biiwaabik Pederson ESC Indian Ed Advisor Biiwaabik.Pederson@ahschools.us (763) 506-1280 Student Svcs Tatiana Pham ESC ESL Cultural Liaison Tatiana.Pham@ahschools.us (763) 433-4699 Student Svcs Paul Phang Welcome Center ESL Cultural Liaison Paul.Phang@ahschools.us (763) 433-4698 Student Svcs Cassidy Pohl Welcome Center ESL Intake Specalist Cassidy.Pohl@ahschools.us (763) 433-4688 Student Svcs Jenny Porter ESC Indian Ed Advisor Jenny.Porter@ahschools.us (763) 506-1172 Student Svcs Tom Shaw III ESC Director Student Services Tom.Shaw@ahschools.us (763) 506-1017 Student Svcs Michele Sorman Welcome Center ESL Intake Specalist Michele.Sorman@ahschools.us (763) 433-4684 Student Svcs Joshua VanHeuveln ESC Teacher Social Worker Joshua.VanHeuveln@ahschools.us (763) 506-1168 Student Svcs Tina Vinton ESC Indian Ed Advisor Tina.Vinton@ahschools.us (763) 506-1342 Student Svcs Ko Vue Welcome Center Teacher Counselor Ko.Vue@ahschools.us (763) 433-4689 Student Svcs Bryan Waukau ESC Indian Ed Advisor Bryan.Waukau@ahschools.us (763) 506-1281 Student Svcs Kari Xiong-Carlson Welcome Center ESL Cultural Liaison Kari.XiongCarlson@ahschools.us (763) 433-4687 Student Svcs -
Superintendent's office
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department Debbie Koffski ESC Admin Assist Supt Debbie.Koffski@ahschools.us (763) 506-1002 Superintendent Cory McIntyre ESC Superintendent Cory.Mcintyre@ahschools.us (763) 506-1001 Superintendent -
Supplemental programs
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department Beth Engman ESC Teacher SA-TALS Beth.Engman@ahschools.us (763) 506-1136 Supplemental Judith Kronstedt ESC Secretary Judith.Kronstedt@ahschools.us (763) 506-1072 Supplemental -
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department AmyA Anderson ESC Teacher SA-Technol Facil AmyA.Anderson@ahschools.us (763) 506-7817 Technology Kathryn Bussey ESC Teacher SA-Technol Facil Kathryn.Bussey@ahschools.us (763) 506-7815 Technology Melyssa Carlson ESC Teacher SA-Technol Facil Melyssa.Carlson@ahschools.us (763) 506-7805 Technology Julia DeLosRios ESC Secretary Lead - Dept Julia.DeLosRios@ahschools.us (763) 506-1020 Technology Bruce DeWitt ESC Teacher SA-Technol Facil Bruce.DeWitt@ahschools.us (763) 506-7818 Technology Jennifer Johnson ESC Teacher SA-Technol Facil Jennifer.Johnson@ahschools.us (763) 506-7808 Technology BichLieu Nguyen ESC Teacher SA-Technol Facil BichLieu.Nguyen@ahschools.us (763) 506-7816 Technology Joel VerDuin ESC Chief Tech & Info Officer Joel.VerDuin@ahschools.us (763) 506-1007 Technology Justin Wewers ESC Teacher SA-Technol Facil Justin.Wewers@ahschools.us (763) 506-7819 Technology -
Technology: applications and connection services
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department Melissa Doolittle ESC Educational Data Coord Melissa.Doolittle@ahschools.us (763) 506-1147 Info Svcs Tudy Felix ESC Secretary Tudy.Felix@ahschools.us (763) 506-1028 Info Svcs Coreen Fleury Engstrom ESC Secretary Coreen.FleuryEngstrom@ahschools.us (763) 506-1023 Info Svcs Katherine Grimm ESC MARSS Coordinator Katherine.Grimm@ahschools.us (763) 506-1035 Info Svcs Julien Heim ESC Secretary Julien.Heim@ahschools.us (763) 506-1024 Info Svcs Nicholas Herman ESC Data Integration Manager Nicholas.Herman@ahschools.us (763) 506-1148 Info Svcs Linda Lundborg ESC Secretary Linda.Lundborg@ahschools.us (763) 506-1138 Info Svcs Sharon Mantey ESC Secretary Sharon.Mantey@ahschools.us (763) 506-1034 Info Svcs Melissa Mercuri-Hermann ESC Secretary Melissa.MercuriHermann@ahschools.us (763) 506-1029 Info Svcs Monica Nicko ESC Secretary Monica.Nicko@ahschools.us (763) 506-1031 Info Svcs Nicole Rutt-Livgard ESC Secretary Nicole.RuttLivgard@ahschools.us (763) 506-1149 Info Svcs Deborah Sawyer ESC Educational Data Coord Deborah.Sawyer@ahschools.us (763) 506-1064 Info Svcs Teresa Schieffer ESC Data Operations Manager Teresa.Schieffer@ahschools.us (763) 506-1022 Info Svcs Michelle VanDenTop ESC Director Technology & Info Services Michelle.VanDenTop@ahschools.us (763) 506-1026 Info Svcs Nou Vang ESC Secretary Nou.Vang@ahschools.us (763) 506-1032 Info Svcs Olivia Xiong ESC Secretary Olivia.Xiong@ahschools.us (763) 506-1033 Info Svcs -
Technology: enterprise technology
There are no records to display.
Technology: media services
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department Holly Groebner ESC Teacher SA-TALS Holly.Groebner@ahschools.us (763) 506-1334 Media Svcs Sandy Orth ESC Secretary Sandy.Orth@ahschools.us (763) 506-1336 Media Svcs -
First name Last name Location Title Email address Phone number Department Karla Bell ESC Transp Rte Coord Karla.Bell@ahschools.us (763) 506-1127 Transportation Allison Eilers ESC Transp Rte Coord Allison.Eilers@ahschools.us (763) 506-1141 Transportation Michele Fennell ESC Secretary Lead - Dept Michele.Fennell@ahschools.us (763) 506-1130 Transportation BJ Ison ESC Director of Transportation BJ.Ison@ahschools.us (763) 506-1132 Transportation Kristen Joly ESC Transp Rte Coord Kristen.Joly@ahschools.us (763) 506-1139 Transportation Holly Koshiol ESC Transp Rte Coord Holly.Koshiol@ahschools.us (763) 506-1137 Transportation Jeff Mueller ESC Transp Safety Coord Jeff.Mueller@ahschools.us (763) 506-1131 Transportation Sue Weidell ESC Transp Rte Coord Sue.Weidell@ahschools.us (763) 506-1128 Transportation