Math Recovery is a program offered in First Grade and is designed to help insure that all students will be successful in math. If a student is not successful early in the school experience, negative feelings toward mathematics and a lack of self-confidence can emerge. Over time, as the knowledge gap widens, finding success becomes even more difficult. The aim of Math Recovery is to provide students with assistance before they experience too much failure. The goal is to help these students advance to the level at which they can successfully learn with their peers. Number and number relations that can seem obvious to adults may not seem so for children. Children's understanding can vary greatly from the adult's knowledge. The development of this knowledge does not come from telling, but rather through the child's personal construction of the knowledge. Children must have personal experiences to learn and relate various forms of number. Math Recovery has its focus in the number operation and concept strand of math and its emphasis on assessment and intervention. Topics addressed are: Forward Number Word Sequences, Backward Number Word Sequences, Numeral Identification, Number Structures and Addition/Subtraction Strategies.