Take-home Covid-19 test kits available for students on Mondays
Anoka-Hennepin Schools has COVID-19 saliva test kits available to students for take-home use. Test kits are optional, free of cost, and can be picked up and returned to the health office at school by students. Families will need to register online and complete the test using an internet connection and Zoom. Results are available typically within 48 hours after samples are received at the laboratory.
Communication regarding the results of the COVID-19 test does not involve the school in order to protect data privacy. Symptomatic students who completed testing and were negative should inform their school nurse of the negative test results so they can return to school. If the test result is positive please call the school health service to determine the return to school date after isolation.
In addition to Vault take-home tests available at school, families can order a take-home test by mail, visit one of Minnesota's free community testing sites, or go to a local pharmacy, clinic or hospital.