Specialty school information
Mission statement: Where Arts enrich learning, every student, every day.
Vision statement: To increase student achievement by integrating and infusing the arts with, in, and through the curriculum in a style that uses arts processes as naturally as literature, technology, inquiry, and dialogue.
As the only Art Specialty elementary school in the Anoka-Hennepin District, Lincoln Elementary School for the Arts offers unique programming that is student-centered. The school leverages the arts in many ways to offer diverse, hands-on learning experiences for all students.
For more information, or to schedule a school tour, contact:Andrea Whitcomb, Arts Curriculum Integration Coordinator
Email: andrea.whitcomb@ahschools.us
Phone: 763-506-3180Specialty school program highlights
Arts-integrated instruction
Same core curriculum as other schools, but teachers weave in artful strategies and projects to engage, deepen and strengthen student learning.
Increases engagement and helps students make connections across content areas.
Allows multiple entry points into learning and diverse expressions of proficiency.
Supports academic development, collaboration, creativity, and problem-solving skills.
Instruction in Arts areas (Dance, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, Visual Art)
Dance supports kinesthetic learning and develops motor skills.
Only elementary in Anoka-Hennepin that offers 4th and 5th grade Band, Orchestra, and Choir instruction during the school day at no cost (several performances throughout the year).
After-school theatre program with free public performances.
Engagement in video and sound production with the “Wake Up Call” morning announcements.
Student art displayed in several art shows.
Arts Jams offer full days of student-selected arts classes.
Arts field experiences and residencies
All experiences are free to students.
Creates opportunities for students and families to engage in new experiences.
Collaborations with other Anoka-Hennepin schools:
The Monster Mash with Anoka Middle School for the Arts WEB leaders.
From Stories to the Stage with Anoka Middle School for the Arts Theatre classes.
Lincoln World Drumming Ensemble partners with Champlin Park High School to perform at the Minnesota Music Educators Convention.
Some community partners and artists
Local: Lyric Arts Main Street Stage, Rum River Art Center, drummer Mr. Chico Perez
Twin Cities: Children’s Theatre Company, Heart of Dance, MPR Class Notes, Minnesota Orchestra, Minneapolis Institute of Art, musicians/songwriters Box Cat Music.