Specialty school information

  • Mission statement: Where Arts enrich learning, every student, every day.

    Vision statement: To increase student achievement by integrating and infusing the arts with, in, and through the curriculum in a style that uses arts processes as naturally as literature, technology, inquiry, and dialogue.

    As the only Art Specialty elementary school in the Anoka-Hennepin District, Lincoln Elementary School for the Arts offers unique programming that is student-centered. The school leverages the arts in many ways to offer diverse, hands-on learning experiences for all students. 

    For more information, or to schedule a school tour, contact:

    Andrea Whitcomb, Arts Curriculum Integration Coordinator
    Email: andrea.whitcomb@ahschools.us
    Phone: 763-506-3180

    Specialty school program highlights

    Arts-integrated instruction

    • Same core curriculum as other schools, but teachers weave in artful strategies and projects to engage, deepen and strengthen student learning.

    • Increases engagement and helps students make connections across content areas.

    • Allows multiple entry points into learning and diverse expressions of proficiency.

    • Supports academic development, collaboration, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

    Instruction in Arts areas (Dance, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, Visual Art)

    • Dance supports kinesthetic learning and develops motor skills.

    • Only elementary in Anoka-Hennepin that offers 4th and 5th grade Band, Orchestra, and Choir instruction during the school day at no cost (several performances throughout the year).

    • After-school theatre program with free public performances.

    • Engagement in video and sound production with the “Wake Up Call” morning announcements.

    • Student art displayed in several art shows.

    • Arts Jams offer full days of student-selected arts classes.

    Arts field experiences and residencies

    • All experiences are free to students.

    • Creates opportunities for students and families to engage in new experiences.

    • Collaborations with other Anoka-Hennepin schools:

      • The Monster Mash with Anoka Middle School for the Arts WEB leaders.

      • From Stories to the Stage with Anoka Middle School for the Arts Theatre classes.

      • Lincoln World Drumming Ensemble partners with Champlin Park High School to perform at the Minnesota Music Educators Convention.

    • Some community partners and artists

    Twin Cities: Children’s Theatre Company, Heart of Dance, MPR Class Notes, Minnesota Orchestra, Minneapolis Institute of Art, musicians/songwriters Box Cat Music.


School spotlight video

2020 Merit of Excellence Award Winners