Anoka-Hennepin School Board
The six-member Anoka-Hennepin School Board makes policy and oversees the district’s budget, curriculum, personnel and physical facilities. Members are elected by district to four-year terms. View the election area map.
All board meetings are open to the public, except for those specifically permitted by law to be closed for discussion of identified issues such as negotiation strategy or litigation. Meeting notices and agendas are posted in all district buildings and on the district’s website prior to the meetings. Regular School Board meetings are held at the Sandburg Education Center, located at 1902 Second Ave. in Anoka. School Board work sessions are held at the Educational Service Center located at 2727 N Ferry St. in Anoka.
View archived School Board meetings on YouTube
School Board members
Linda Hoekman
District One, Director
District One: Linda Hoekman
5585 144th Ave., Ramsey, MN 55303763-506-4795 (Voicemail)763-506-1002 (Supt.'s admin assistant)Four-year term expires in 2027.
Represents western Andover, Anoka, western Coon Rapids and southwestern Ramsey.Schools represented: Brookside, Lincoln, Ramsey and Wilson elementary schools, Anoka Middle School for the Arts, and Anoka High School and STEP. -
Zach Arco
District Two, Co-chair
District Two: Zach Arco
12041 Madison Street NE, Blaine, MN 55434763-433-4150 (Voicemail)763-506-1002 (Supt.'s admin assistant)
Four-year term expires in 2027.
Represents Blaine and eastern Coon Rapids.Schools represented: Jefferson, Johnsville, Madison, Sunrise, and University Avenue elementary schools, Roosevelt Middle Schools, and Blaine High School. -
Kacy Deschene
District Three, Co-chair
District Three: Kacy Deschene
11936 Mississippi Drive, Champlin, MN 55316Represents Champlin, southwestern Coon Rapids and Dayton.
Schools represented: Champlin-Brooklyn Park Academy, Dayton, Mississippi and Oxbow Creek elementary schools and Jackson Middle School.Committee participation: Health and Wellness Committee, Policy Review/Advisory Committee, SEE - Schools for Equity in Education, Student Services Leadership Team. -
Matt Audette
District Four, Treasurer
District Four: Matt Audette
1177 162nd Ave. NW, Andover MN 55304763-506-5847 (voicemail)
763-506-1002 (Supt.'s admin assistant)
Four-year term expires in 2025.Represents northern Andover, Ham Lake, Nowthen, Oak Grove and northeastern Ramsey.
Schools represented: Andover, McKinley, and Rum River elementary schools, Oak View Middle School and Andover High School.Committee participation: MSHSL (Andover High School), Student Services Leadership Team (alternate), Student Services Advisory Committee. -
Michelle Langenfeld
District Five, Director
District Five: Michelle Langenfeld
1128 97th Lane NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55433763-433-4151 (Voicemail)
763-506-1002 (Supt.'s admin assistant)
Four-year term expires in 2027.
Represents Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, southern Coon Rapids and Fridley.
Schools represented: Adams, Champlin-Brooklyn Park Academy, Evergreen Park, Hamilton, Hoover, Monroe, and Oxbow Creek elementary schools, Jackson Middle School, Champlin Park High School, Anoka-Hennepin Regional High School and River Trail Learning Center. -
Jeff Simon
District Six, Clerk
District Six: Jeff Simon
12252 Thrush St., NW., Coon Rapids, MN 55448763-506-7742 (voicemail)
763-506-1002 (Supt.'s admin assistant)Represents southern Andover and northern Coon Rapids.
Schools represented: Crooked Lake, Eisenhower, Morris Bye, and Sand Creek elementary schools, Coon Rapids and Northdale middle schools, Coon Rapids High School and Compass.Committee participation: MSBA Representative Liaison, MSHSL (Coon Rapids High School), Policy Review/Advisory Committee, Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Committee (CIAC), Middle School Play-Up Committee
How can the public speak to the School Board?
The School Board has a Communications, Delegations and Petitions session at each board meeting where the public can address the board on topics they feel are important.
The School Board does have a policy concerning public participation in meetings, which community members are encouraged to view.
Meetings, agendas, minutes
Watch meetings, view upcoming meeting agendas, or view previous meeting archives at the Anoka-Hennepin Schools BoardBook page. The site is updated within 24 hours after each School Board meeting with a video archive. View a full list of scheduled meetings for January 2025 through July 2026.
Contact the School Board
The board encourages community members to provide information and concerns directly to the School Board. Community members may communicate through ‘Delegation and Petitions’ at regular School Board meetings or through ‘Contact the School Board’ form via the school district website.
The School Board email protocol is intended to serve as a supplement to School Board policy regarding public participation in school board meetings in order to define roles and responsibilities regarding particular types of communication.
School Board interests
Ensure timely acknowledgement of receipt.
Avoid delayed action in case of emergency.
Ensure timely response.
Provide clarity on who is copied on emails to the school board; what timeframe is reasonable to expect a response; who to contact in case of emergency.
Effective use of staff time; effective use of available technology.
Adherence to data privacy requirements and open meeting law requirements.
Anoka-Hennepin Schools uses google forms extensively to coordinate communications throughout the organization. A greeting message on the form and auto-response message will set expectations regarding a timeline for a response and redirect those who need an urgent response to other resources.
Contact one or all of the Anoka-Hennepin School Board members using the online contact form.
Legislative Platform
The mission of Anoka-Hennepin Schools is to effectively educate each student for success. The district serves approximately 38,000 preK-12 students and 248,000 residents living in 13 communities across 172 square miles. Anoka-Hennepin Schools operates 25 elementary schools, six middle schools, and five high schools, plus alternative schools, special education and early learning sites. The student demographic profile includes 43% students of color and 9% English learner students. Additionally, 43% of students qualify for free and/or reduced price services, and 18% of students are receiving special education services.
View the 2024 Anoka-Hennepin legislative platform brochure.
Legislative priorities for 2024:
Anoka-Hennepin Schools is focusing on three strategic priorities and asks for your support in these areas.
Improve literacy at all grades
- The district asks the legislature to increase the basic formula allowance by an additional 2% for FY 25.
- The 2% allocated for FY 25 does not cover the costs associated with implementing the READ Act, inflation and other mandated programs.
Improve student engagement, connection and behavior
- The district asks the legislature to modify school resource officer and school staff language regarding their ability to respond to situations involving students and staff.
- Our SROs are an integral part of our schools and the relationships built between SROs, staff and students have been invaluable to us.
- The district asks the legislature to allow flexibility to use school personnel aid to contract mental health therapists needed for student support.
- The district asks the legislature to change the K-3 discipline statutory language to better ensure student and staff safety.
Increase employee recruitment and retention
- The district asks the legislature to support creative strategies to increase the number of licensed teachers in order to meet staffing shortages, including increasing the flexibility in the tiered licensure process.
- The district asks the legislature to reduce Special Ed paperwork to allow teachers to spend more time directly with students.
- The district asks the legislature to refrain from passing any additional unfunded mandates to allow for our school board to be in the best position possible to address local needs and challenges.
In addition, the district asks that the legislature support an increase in the equalization of the operating referendum to help reduce the property tax burden in our community.
School Board policies are indicated by a number with no letter. District procedures and guidelines are indicated by a "G" following the number. Forms are indicated by an "F" following the number.
The collection of approved School Board policies and administrative regulations are included below. They are organized by section number. Use the master index to find the name of the policy you would like. Use the menu listed below, or the drop-down menu under "School Board Policies" in the left-hand index to view detailed information for individual policies. Policies are organized by policy number.
- 100 – School district
300 - Administration
- 500 – Students
- 600 – Education program
- 700 – Non-instructional operations
- 800 – Buildings and sites
- 900 – School district/community relations
Elementary school overview
Middle school overview
High school overview
Districtwide policy handbook
2021-22 Policy handbook:
2024-25 School Board recognition photos
Archived School Board recognition photos
Archived meeting minutes, agendas and videos (2009-current)
Archived meeting minutes (1994-2009)
Action of the School Board
Action of the School Board provides brief summaries of Anoka-Hennepin School Board meetings in HTML format and is now available online in a translatable format. To translate Action of the School Board to another language, please click anywhere on the message to open it in a web browser and at the top of the page, select your language from the dropdown menu.
January 27, 2024
Action of the School Board Archive
2023-24 archive
Jan. 27, 2025
Jan. 13, 2025
Dec. 9, 2024
Nov. 25, 2024
Oct. 28, 2024
Sept. 23, 2024
Aug. 26, 2024
July 15, 2024
June 24, 2024
May 20, 2024
May 6, 2024
April 22, 2024
March 25, 2024
Feb. 26, 2024
Jan. 22, 2024
Jan. 8, 2024
Dec. 11, 2023
Nov. 27, 2023
Nov. 13, 2023
October 23, 2023
Sept. 25, 2023
Aug. 21, 2023
July 10, 2023Complete minutes of meetings are published in the school district's legal newspapers and in the agenda packet for the following meeting.
View archived Action of the School Board recaps from 2007 through August 2022 via Google Drive.