Welcome to Hamilton Elementary School!

  • Hamilton Elementary School is located in Coon Rapids, Minnesota. The school was built and opened in the fall of 1965. Hamilton was built adjacent to the original "Camp Guy Robinson." It was originally built to provide instruction for K-6 students.

    The Hamilton enrollment area, as well as the entire city of Coon Rapids, has undergone many changes over the years. The addition of Highway 10, coupled with a new mall district and new home construction has changed Hamilton into a neighborhood school. Hamilton enrollment averages about 450 students for Kindergarten to Grade 5.

    Hamilton at a Glance 2021-22
    Grades: Kindergarten through Grade Five
    School hours:    9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
    • 8:45 a.m. First Bell - Students allowed to enter the building.
      • Please do not drop students off prior to 8:40 a.m. without a plan for supervision.
    • 8:45 a.m. Students may go to breakfast.
    • 8:57 a.m. Second Bell - Two minute warning bell
    • 9:00 a.m. Third Bell - School Starts
    • 3:30 p.m. Dismissal Bell 
    Principal: Mrs. Julie D. Bowman
    Middle school attended by Hamilton students: Coon Rapids Middle School
    High school attended by Hamilton students: Coon Rapids High School 


Additional Contact Information

  • Main office: 763-506-2700
    Fax number: 763-506-2703
    Absence line: 763-506-2706 
    Health services: 763-506-2704 
    Community Ed: 763-506-2712
    Adventures Plus: 763-506-2713
    Social Worker: 763-506-2731
    Media center: 763-506-2705
    Custodial office: 763-506-2710 
    Nutrition program: 763-506-2711

    Principal's secretary

    Kathy Soucie
    Kathy Soucie

    School year secretary

    Jennifer Post
    Jen Post