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Referendum 2021: What are the logical consequences if the three ballot questions are not approved?

Referendum 2021 was proposed after planning and community survey research was done in Anoka-Hennepin over the past year to inform the needs of students in the district. By asking the community to weigh in now, the school district will avoid the process of identifying cuts that would be required if the questions are not approved prior to the 2022-2023 school year. 

Watch this two-minute video to quickly learn about the logical consequences for our students and our schools if Referendum 2021 is not approved by voters Nov. 2.

Students in classroom with teacher

What are the logical consequences if the referendum questions are not approved?

If Question 1 is not approved, the district would consider cutting $34.5 million in resources to balance the budget. That’s 9.3 percent of the funding used to operate schools.  

This could mean cutting $29 million dollars by:

  • reducing learning opportunities, electives and options 
  • increasing class sizes at all levels, 
  • changing school schedules, 
  • And closing schools.

Initial estimates also included $5 million dollars related to school and district administration and support, transportation, student support and building operations.

If Question 2 is not approved, the district will need to reduce $4.5 from the budget in other areas to provide technology for students in the classroom. 

The school district could also be faced with not maintaining the same technology tools and resources that have been added over the past ten years, such as:

  • computers and chromebooks
  • projectors,
  • broadband infrastructure and networks, 
  • interactive technologies,
  • audio enhanced classrooms,
  • and more.

There is no tax impact of renewing questions one and two; current taxes would be extended.

Question 3 can only be approved if voters also approve Question 1. Last school year, schools received one-time federal funding which Anoka-Hennepin used to provide mental health, social-emotional and academic support for students in response to the pandemic. By 2023, that one-time federal funding will be expended. 

  • If question 3 is not approved, these new programs and staffing to support students will be discontinued. 
  • If voters approve question 3, the district will be able to continue offering those mental health and academic supports for students in schools for ten years - until 2033. 
  • A total of 20 social workers and counselors and 30 academic support teachers were added with these one-time federal funds. 

Voters would not begin paying taxes for two years on Question 3, until 2023. 

Questions? Feedback?

Answers to questions are being answered and published on the Q and A section on the Referendum 2021 website. The school district will continue to update the website with FAQs on a weekly basis through Nov. 2.

Community members are encouraged to call or email the Referendum Hotline with questions:
Phone: 763-506-7777