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School board approves 2024-25 budget at June 24 meeting

Math icon(06/26/2024) The Anoka-Hennepin School Board approved the 2024-25 district budget at its regular meeting on Monday, June 24 with a 4-2 vote with Directors Matt Audette and Linda Hoekmkan voting no.   

The School Board is committed to a shared leadership model with co-chairs Zach Arco and Kacy Deschene coordinating operations and ensuring all members have their voices heard as part of the decision making process.

Why it matters: Budget approval means the district maintains operations, construction activity and all actions necessary to prepare for the 2024-25 school year.  

The basics: Information shared at public meetings and on social media in April indicated that three members of the six member Anoka-Hennepin School Board would not vote to approve the district budget for next year as required by state law citing a series of concerns. 

  • At an April 23 meeting, board members separated the issues  from the budget approval process, a decision that included discussion of all items at future meetings.

  • The process to conduct that review is underway with meetings on June 10, June 11 and upcoming sessions planned for July 15 and August 12.  

Timeline:  Approval of the budget follows an annual process that concludes with consideration of approval. 

  • The budget process for the 2024-25 school year formally began in November 2023, which takes into account the certified pay 2024 levy, the legislative policy session, and enrollment projections made at the start of the calendar year.

  • From February to April, district staff reviewed staffing; and developed department and site budgets prior to the School Board’s preliminary review of the budget for fiscal year 2025 on April 22, 2024.

  • The School Board previewed a draft preliminary budget at their May 20, 2024 meeting without comment prior to consideration of approval at the June 24 meeting.  

Go deeper: The largest of the six funds that comprise the 2024-25 budget is the $662,382,639 General Fund, along with five other funds including food service, community service, capital projects, debt service and the trust fund for a total of $742,559,453 million in total expenditures.

  • Health of the fund balance: With the approval, the district fund balance is programmed to drop to 7.7%, which is below the school board policy of 10% of general fund expenditures.

  • Reductions and realignment: The budget also incorporates Phase 1 budget reductions, reducing 40 central office and administrative positions and operations funds equalling a total of $5.1 million. The School Board will consider $21 million in Phase 2 reductions and realignment for the 2025-26 school year. Draft reduction options will be presented in September and will provide opportunity for public and staff feedback prior to consideration of approval in November. 

Be informed: The Anoka-Hennepin School District website and Backpack Online e-newsletter for families and community members is considered the official source of accurate information View the June 24 School Board Budget presentation, discussion and vote.