Application for Educational Benefits
To Apply please login or create an account @ SchoolCafe for Free or Reduced-Price Meals.
How to complete an Online Free and Reduced Application
Income Guidelines
SchoolCafe Features will include:
- To apply for free or reduced meals. Create an account and manage it directly (resetting passwords, username retrieval)
- View menus as a guest without creating an account.
- Submit free and reduced applications.
Menus, nutrients and allergens
Nutrients and allergen information can be found within SchoolCafe. Users can view this information as guests (without creating an account).
Paying for mealsPayments will continue to be made through SchoolPay. Learn more about paying for meals.
Students who qualify for free or reduced meals, will receive free or reduced priced breakfasts and lunches. Families must submit an application each school year or have a direct certification from the state.
The Minnesota Department of Education provides the Child Nutrition office with information for families receiving MFIP (Minnesota Family Investment Plan) benefits or SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), which qualifies these students to receive free meals automatically (directly certified) without applying. The information is received monthly. If you do not receive a letter stating that you're eligible for free meals, an application must be completed each school year.
The district follows strict rules to protect a student's confidentiality for those that qualify.
All kindergarten students are eligible for a free breakfast, paid for by the State of Minnesota.
You can apply, or re-apply, anytime during the school year if your household circumstances change:
- Apply through SchoolCafe - Creating a SchoolCafe account for Parents.
- Pick up an application from the school office or cafeteria.
- Request an application from Child Nutrition at 763-506-1240.
Further information and frequently asked questionsVisit the FAQs page to for additional information.
For help navigating, setting up an account, or finding/adding students, please contact the Child Nutrition office at 763-506-1240.