PTO Minutes 11/19/13

Johnsville Elementary School PTO Minutes
November 19, 2013
Purpose of the Organization: PTO is organized for the purpose of supporting the education of children at Johnsville Elementary School by fostering relationships among the school, parent, and teachers. The organization will not seek to control administrative policy of the school but may offer input.
OFFICERS: President Carrie Vake
Vice President Staci Anderson
Treasurer Denise Scholljegerdes
Secretary Maren Schultz
STAFF PRESENT: Susan Eschbach, Scott Johnson
Attendees: Chris Johnson, Kari Gislason, Angie Anderson, Jennifer Marsnik, Pam Taylor, Sherry Hamann, Brandy Doyle, Stephanie Larson, Kathie Karsnia, Kim Keller, Angel Leckner, Jodi Stadden, Stacy Anderson, Carrie Vake, Denise Scholljergerdes, Jessica Pratt, Gina Housman Nieder, Maren Schultz
Meeting called to order at 6:33p.m.
• 4th grade food drive week of November 18th
• End of trimester 1 Thursday November 26th , Thanksgiving break Wednesday November 27-29th no school for students and staff
• Holiday shop on Saturday December 7th
• Report cards go home on Wednesday December 11th
• 4th grade field trip to Mill City Museum on Wednesday December 18th from 10- 2:40pm
• Winter break is December 21st – January 5th. School resumes on Monday January 6th.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Minutes from the September meeting were submitted, reviewed, and passed. Denise Scholljegerdes made the motion to pass and Pam Taylor seconded.
• 3rd grade received a $7,000 donation for Chrome books. PTO gave $850 towards a new math program to put on the Chrome books. Tumblebooks reading program can also be used on the Chrome books as well.
• There have only been a few supply lists coming in from teachers. Mr. Johnson will send out a reminder to teachers. Maren Schultz made the motion to accept report and Kari Gislason seconded.
• Need volunteers for Holiday Shop- Friday night set up and the day of the shop
• Skill builders data collection in kindergarten slowly coming along
• Will need volunteers for talent development starting up in December or January and the science fair in January
General Mills: Sherry Hamann- box tops shipped in
Campbell Labels: Kim Keller-
Carnival: Tiffany Cich and Nicolle Ristow –
Carnival Auction – Carrie Vake –
Carnival Kitchen – Carrie Krautkramer-
Fundraiser: Still need- Heggies pizza in February, will need more volunteers to help distribute
Holiday Shop: Stacey Anderson/ Jennifer Argeros- December 7th from 9:30-11:30, volunteers arrive at 9am. Girl scouts looking for gently used books- they will be selling books, doughnuts, and hot cocoa at holiday shop. Everything not sold will be donated
Johnsville t-shirts: Lisa Babineau- ordered and distributed
PTO Facebook page – Brandy Doyle-Will post Holiday shop reminder
SAC – Brandy Doyle- District will be changing website in 2014/2015- they will be doing user testing in May. All school websites will be mainstreamed and there will be a mobile app added. There is talk of trying to bridge high school and college
Science Fair: Kim Keller- will be January 8th- registration went out. Will start awarding 1st -6th place among 4-5 graders
School Directory – going to file maker and printer. Susan Eschbach will do the cover
Yearbook: Julie Bryant – Take pictures!
Old Business:
New Business:

Meeting adjourned 7:44pm

Respectfully submitted, Maren Schultz, Secretary