PTO Minutes 02/12/13

Johnsville Elementary School PTO Minutes
February 12, 2013

Purpose of the Organization: The purpose of the organization will be that of promoting a focus upon educational and/or recreational value to the students and school community of Johnsville School.
OFFICERS: President Carrie Vake
Vice President Staci Anderson
Treasurer Denise Scholljegerdes
Secretary Maren Schultz
STAFF PRESENT: Scott Johnson, Susan Eschbach, Jean King
Attendees: Stacy Anderson, Sherry Hamann, Betsy Selstad, Pam Taylor, Kari Gislason, Brandy Doyle, Tiffany Cich, and Maren Schultz
Meeting called to order at 6:38p.m.
• Finished MAP testing and finishing OLPA (Optional Local Purpose Assessments) in grades 3-5.
• Access tests taken until the end of February.
• Early April through May MCA tests for grades 3-5.
• No school 2/14-15 for Every Other Day kindergarten.
• No school 2/ 18-19. Conference day Tuesday 12:30-4. Conferences also on 2/19 and 2/21 7:30-9 and 4-9pm.
• 5th graders going to Afton Alps on February 27th for skiing trip.
• No school 3/8 and spring break following week.
• Met with Jim Gerhardt and Tom Redmann again to talk about extending parking lot, possibly making a one way, taking out the “island” with school sign, and possibly putting in an electric sign.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Minutes from the November meeting were submitted, reviewed, and change made to minutes. Correction in New Business- Nicole Cich changed to Tiffany Cich. Brandy Doyle made a motion to accept minutes and Pay Taylor seconded.
• See attached handout
• Jean King moved to accept report and Tiffany Cich seconded.
• Kindergarten data collection done
• Campbell’s labels going home with voluteers
• Need volunteers for Heggies fundraiser and conference dinners
• Will be getting 20-25 volunteers from a service project for carnival- still need more
• Chaperones going on ski trip filled out background checks- this was a change
General Mills: Sherry Hamann- sending more in
Campbell Labels: Kim Keller-
Carnival: Tiffany Cich and Nicolle Ristow – In the 2nd grade hallway there will be a hockey shoot in the last 2 rooms. Room 117 there will be a 2nd pop toss. Room 123 dice game and twister. Lollipops in with the pencil pull. We will need a square box and will be adding a pop toss with the toilet toss. Meeting next Monday 2/18 to make sure we have all prizes. Tickets will be sold in gym this year. Face painting and tattoo’s moved to the art room.
Carnival Auction – Carrie Vake – Need help dropping off letters for donations from local businesses. Classrooms each doing a basket.
Carnival Kitchen – Carrie Krautkramer- There will be corn dogs, pretzels with cheese, go gurts, chips, banana’s and apple’s. There will also be pizza from Pizza hut and chips and salsa from Chili’s.
Fundraiser: Still need- Heggies pizza guessing we made between 9,200- 12,000. Should we have a walk-a –thon next year? Would need teachers on the committee. Tiffany Cich moved to accept and Betsy Selstad seconded.
Holiday Shop: Stacey Anderson/ Jennifer Argeros-
Johnsville t-shirts: Lisa Babineau-
PTO Facebook page – Brandy Doyle
SAC – Brandy Doyle-
Science Fair: Kim Keller-
School Directory – Jennifer Argeros- Will finish ASAP
Yearbook: Julie Bryant – Forms going out last week of February. Need pictures by end of March- early April.
Old Business:
New Business:

Meeting adjourned 7:21

Respectfully submitted, Maren Schultz, Secretary