PTO Minutes 08/20/13

Johnsville Elementary School PTO Minutes
August, 2013

Purpose of the Organization: The purpose of the organization will be that of promoting a focus upon educational and/or recreational value to the students and school community of Johnsville School.
OFFICERS: President Carrie Vake
Vice President Staci Anderson
Treasurer Denise Scholljegerdes
Secretary Maren Schultz
STAFF PRESENT: Scott Johnson, Susan Eschbach
Attendees: Maren Schultz, Kari Gislason, Chris Johnson, Brandy Doyle Pam Taylor, Betsy Selstad, Carrie Vake, Lisa Schloegl, Carrie Val, Stacy Anderson
Meeting called to order at 6:35p.m.
• 723 Students enrolled
• 6 sections of Kindergarten (4 all day every other 2 all day), 5 sections 1st grade, 4 sections 2nd grade, 4 sections 3rd grade, 5 sections 4th grade, and 4 sections 5th grade
• Asphalt laid in parking lot with striping and 3 new lights to be erected.
• New building supervisor- Curt Trebby- to replace Jim Gerhardt
• Adding a new section of 4th grade and Inquiry teacher (k-3 grade science)- will be hiring this week.
• New special education teacher- Melissa Guzy- to replace Melody Hopps.
• New teacher workshop August 20-22, teacher workshops August 26-29.
• Open house Tuesday August 27 from 4-6
• New security system to be installed prior to students starting
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Minutes from the May meeting were submitted, reviewed, and passed. Stacy Anderson made a motion to accept minutes and Kari Gislason seconded.
• This year’s fundraisers will be a walk-a-thon/ family fun night in September, Heggies Pizza, and Carnival.
• Put classroom money back in budget for teachers
• Would like to go with Macbook Air for new traveling computer lab. Maren Schultz made a motion to accept report and Brandy Doyle seconded.
• Laptops out at open house to do online background checks. Volunteer forms should be able to be done electronically too.
• Kindergarten data will be done by teachers this year. New volunteer opportunity, kindergarten skill builder to start in October- training will be done in September.
• Dawn needs volunteers in the lunchroom for the first couple of weeks.
General Mills: Sherry Hamann- Will be collecting each month again this year starting in September
Campbell Labels: Kim Keller-
Carnival: Tiffany Cich and Nicolle Ristow –
Carnival Auction – Carrie Vake –
Carnival Kitchen – Carrie Krautkramer-
Fundraiser: Still need- Heggies pizza in February- hoping to raise $14,000
Holiday Shop: Stacey Anderson/ Jennifer Argeros- last year of the holiday shop
Johnsville t-shirts: Lisa Babineau-
PTO Facebook page – Brandy Doyle- will be promoting walk a thon
SAC – Brandy Doyle-
Science Fair: Kim Keller-
School Directory – Jennifer Argeros- Denise found a program we can use, will have laptops out at open house for families to sign up
Yearbook: Julie Bryant –
Old Business: Walk a thon/ family fun night on September 16 from 5-8 pm. Prizes: 1st place Kindle fire 2nd place $75 Target gift card 3rd prize Fire truck ride. September 20 will be the dunk tank day- $20 raised will get you 1 dunk ticket. Each class will walk for a ½ hour and our goal is to raise $17,000.
New Business: Girl Scout troup #11552 presented. They want to have a booth at the family fun night in September to sell books. The money raised will go to build book shelves and buy new books to donate to Johnsville Elementary and other schools.

Meeting adjourned 7:47

Respectfully submitted, Maren Schultz, Secretary