Advanced Algebra Syllabus
Advance AlgebraCourse Syllabus Anoka-Hennepin Regional High
School – Room 202
Instructor: Charles
Email: Phone: (763)506-7441
Course Description, Outline, and Understandings
This course is designed to make students think deeper about mathematics. Students will develop logic and reasoning skills by explaining their thought processes to higher level concepts.
Advanced Algebra Unit Outline:
o Unit 1 – Sequences and Series
o Unit 2 – Exponentials and Logarithmic Functions
o Unit 3 – Rational Functions
o Unit 4 – Functional Transformations
Classroom Expectations:
Students are expected to follow all school and district policies. Students are expected to be respectful and try their best. Students are also expected to use the Language of School. Swearing, slang, and talk about drugs or alcohol will not be tolerated. Cell phones are not to be used unless for academic purposes. There are many apps that are great tools for learning math. Certain apps and websites may be utilized through a smartphone for that purpose only. Music players may be used during WORK time only. Students will be asked to remove head phones during instruction time. Use your time wisely – work during work time!
Classroom Materials: Every day, students must come to class prepared and on time.
· 3-Ring Binder (will be left in class)
· Folder for math only (optional)
· Pencil (preferred, however pen may be used)
· Calculator (scientific and graphing calculators are provided for in class only)
Absences and Assignments
Classwork will be given each day. Daily work will help students learn concepts and required to earn a passing grade. If a student misses class, they will need to make up that information on their own time.
Students will be graded based on the number of learning targets mastered and assignments.
* The District Common Summative Assessment (CSA) will be given at the end of the trimester. Each student must take the CSA. Results will only be a positive reflection on the students’ final grade.
Approximate Grade Breakdown:
· 85-90% - Learning Targets
· 10-15% - Assignments
Grading Scale:
A 90% - 100%
B 80% - 89.9%
C 70% - 79.9%
NP 0% - 69.9%
Grades will be based on proficiency (70%) of Learning Targets and quality of assignments.
Assessments and Relearning
Unit Assessments will be given after each unit. Assessments will be graded by learning targets. A grade will be given based on the number of learning targets mastered. If a passing grade is not achieved, a relearning process may be available. An assessment may not be taken unless a student is showing at least 70% of daily work and participation. For students to earn an “A”, students must show proficiency of 90% or higher on the initial assessment.
Relearning Process
· For students to earn a “B”, they must accurately complete the relearning activity and reflect on their assessment results.
· For students to earn a “C”, they must accurately complete the relearning activity.
Academic Dishonesty
Academic Dishonesty will not be tolerated by any means. Students caught copying another’s work or online will have a meeting with the teacher and administration to determine consequences. Student may not receive credit for the term.
By signing this sheet below, you acknowledge the expectations set forth to you by Mr. Nowariak and Regional High School and you will follow these expectations.
Student Name (print)______________________________________
Student Signature ________________________________________ Date __________________
Teacher Signature________________________________________ Date ___________________