
English 11 & College Foundation

Course Syllabus - Trimester 1


Ms. Kristi Weidlein                              763.506.7452    


Reading: We will be reading complex fiction, nonfiction, and poetry texts in order to develop proficiency and fluency. Our goals are to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information from multiple sources in order to answer questions, solve problems, justify claims, and evaluate multiple perspectives.

Writing: We will work on organization, transitions, word choice, and tone. We will plan, compose, and revise in order to create quality written products.

Research: We will be formulating questions, examining problems, and considering ideas that focus on issues and interests; seeking information from print and non-print resources, online databases, and appropriate internet sites; finding, evaluating, summarizing, and synthesizing information from a variety of sources and perspectives; sharing the findings in presentations appropriate to the purpose and audience; and documenting sources and respecting intellectual property.

Behavior Expectations: The classroom must be a safe and comfortable environment for all students. Students are expected to respect everyone whether we agree with them or not. Students are expected to be on time. Cell phones and other personal electronic devices are not to be used in class unless you have permission. Violation of this will result in you surrendering your phone to the office


Grading Policy:

A - Students have completed all assignments and have turned in additional self-directed assignments and earned 90% or higher in course work.


B - Students have completed all assignments and earned 80% or higher in course work.


C - Students have all assignments completed neatly and accurately.

NP - Students have missing assignments or have not accurately completed assignments.


Absences and Assignments: Classwork will be given each day. Daily work will help students learn concepts and is required to earn a passing grade. It is understood that students may be absent from time to time. If a student makes the choice to be gone and miss material learned, they will need to make up that information on their own time. Students are responsible for collecting and completing make-up work.


Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. If a student is caught cheating, all parties involved will receive a zero for that specific assignment, quiz, test, or project and will be referred to an assistant principal. Take your education seriously; with the new grading policy it is the student’s responsibility to understand each learning target and cheating helps no one.


21st Century Foundational Skills: There will be a focus this year on developing and maintaining skills that will provide a strong foundation for experiences after high school. These skills will include Meeting Deadlines, Study Habits, Academic Reflection, and Note-Taking.