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School news
2025-26 Registration Information
Find key dates, course info, and resources for 2025-26 registration!
It's more than just free meals! Apply for educational benefits for the 2024-25 school year
(07/26/2024) All Anoka-Hennepin families are encouraged to apply for the educational benefits program for the 2024-25 school year. A new application must be submitted each school year. The enrollment window for the 2024-25 school year begins Aug. 1, 2024.
Roosevelt News & Events
E-newsletter archives
2024-25 Newsletters
Monday, January 6: Registration Information
E-newsletter archives
Check out archived e-newsletters via Google Drive.
District news
District student-athletes celebrate signing letters of intent on National Signing Day
(02/06/2025) Student-athletes from four Anoka-Hennepin high schools (Andover, Anoka, Blaine and Coon Rapids) participated in events Feb. 5 marking National Signing Day.
Kindergarten Information Nights set for Anoka-Hennepin elementary schools
(02/05/2025) Establishing a connection with students and families provides a foundation for school success. Parents, incoming students and other family members are welcome to attend.
Getting ready for school: Easy as 1-2-3!
(02/04/2025) Families should prepare children for preschool and kindergarten now, if they are considering a start in the fall.
Five district educators named candidates for Minnesota Teacher of the Year
(02/04/2025) Candidates for the 2025 Minnesota Teacher of the Year award have been announced and Anoka-Hennepin has five educators who were nominated. Minnesota’s Teacher of the Year program celebrates a tradition of excellence in teaching throughout the state.
Get district news your way
Communication builds trust with our Anoka-Hennepin communities, confidence in our district and schools, and support for providing a high quality education for all students.
As a public institution, Anoka-Hennepin is accountable to its parents/guardians and other citizens, informing them about their investment in public education and seeking their insight on helping the school district deliver high quality educational programs that meet the needs of its students and communities.
Stay tuned to the following outlets for news and information:
- FOCUS on Anoka-Hennepin e-newsletter
- Focus newsletter, which includes a Grad Spotlight feature
- Action of the School Board
- Parent Engage 360 podcast
- Links to school communications (e-newsletters, social media pages)
Do you have a news tip to share? Contact the communication and public relations department.
A-H Newsroom archives
View archived news articles (in PDF format) from 2003-04 to 2014-15 via Google Drive.