• Nebula logo sag

    Nebula, a school-within-a-school program

    A new elementary Talent Development program called Nebula, a school-within-a-school program for gifted students, began at Eisenhower Elementary School in the fall of 2019. The program is for third through fifth grade students performing in the top 1-2 percentile across multiple measures (CogAT, MAP, and MCA) in comparison to their peers.

    Nebula is a term referring to a giant cloud of dust and gas in space where new stars begin to form. Similarly, students travel from across the district to participate in the accelerated learning program and see themselves as progressing like stars.

    The goal of this specially designed program is to provide advanced students with differentiated learning experiences that fosters curiosity, exploration, and academic growth.

  • Why Nebula?

  • Selection Process

  • 2025-26 Application Information

  • Testimonial from the parent of a Nebula student

  • Forms and additional information

  • Nebula in the news

  • Questions? Please reach out to the Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Department at 763-506-1162.