Oxbow Creek PTO
The Oxbow Creek Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) exists:
To promote communication and cooperation between parents/guardians and school staff.
To provide assistance to the school in a variety of ways, including volunteer service, fundraising for educational enrichment, developing and promoting safe, community-building programming, and coordinating events throughout the year to express appreciation and recognize achievement within the school.
To maintain an effective communication system for the dissemination of information between the greater community, the school, and the parents/guardians.
To collaborate with educators and the general public to advance the physical, social, and academic education of every child in our school and community, to the highest advantage.
To expand and enhance Talent Development Programming for all students, students with specific inter
Board Members
President: Dan Powers
President Elect: Sarah Gatica
Treasurer: Megan VanHouten
Secretary: Acacia Sieling
Members-at-Large: Jenni Bremer, Mara Niedermayer, Jessica Ploehn
Meeting Dates and Location
All meetings are held at Oxbow Creek Elementary in the Media Center, unless otherwise stated, from 6:30-7:45pm.
September 19, 2023 (Tech Night)
October 26, 2023 (Talent Development Informational)
November 16, 2023 (Math Night / Scooter World)
January 18, 2024 (Literacy Night)
March 28, 2024 (STEM Night)
April 9, 2024 (TBD)
PTOs, booster clubs and nonprofits
Anoka-Hennepin Parent Involvement can provide links to resources that may be helpful to parent-teacher organizations (PTOs), advisory councils, partnership teams, booster clubs and other nonprofit organizations that help students.
Resources may include:- Leadership
- Establishing non-profit organization (501c3) status
- Non-profit organization and volunteer management
- Financial and organizational management
- Recruitment and retention of members
- Partnership practices and networking
Services include:- Leadership workshops & Special Events - are offered on a periodic basis. Topics typically covered include member recruitment and retention, publicity, communications, tips for treasurers and obtaining or maintaining (501c3) nonprofit status with the IRS. Visit the PTO and booster club workshop page to register for free trainings.
To check out or browse book titles on all aspects of nonprofit management, visit the Anoka-Hennepin Parent Resource Center.
Use Library Name: AHPRCNo Password is required.Contact
Anoka-Hennepin Parent Involvement, 2727 N Ferry St., Anoka, MN 55303