School news
It's more than just free meals! Apply for educational benefits for the 2024-25 school year
(07/26/2024) All Anoka-Hennepin families are encouraged to apply for the educational benefits program for the 2024-25 school year. A new application must be submitted each school year. The enrollment window for the 2024-25 school year begins Aug. 1, 2024.
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“Gymbassador” program at Sand Creek Elementary connecting students
(02/02/2024) At Sand Creek Elementary School, “Gymbassadors” are third and fourth grade leaders who volunteer their time during the school day to interact and engage with kindergarten through fifth grade students in the Developmental Cognitive Disability (DCD) program.
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Parent Education Series: District to host three Parent Engage 360 events in 2023-24
(11/09/2023) Join parents and guardians from the Anoka-Hennepin Schools community for information and resources to support the needs of students today. Anoka-Hennepin is hosting three Parent Engage 360 community and parent education events during the 2023-24 school year. These events aim to provide resources for parents and guardians to support their students and others in the community.
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West African dance and drum group visits Sand Creek Elementary
(02/28/2023) Titambe, a West African Dance and Drum Ensemble visited Sand Creek Elementary School Feb. 27 to provide students with an engaging and educational program to close Black History Month celebrations at the school.
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Sand Creek fifth grade ambassadors gain mentoring and leadership opportunities by supporting fellow students
(01/06/2023) On Dec. 21, Sand Creek Elementary School fifth grade ambassadors joined students in the developmental cognitive disability (DCD) centerbase program on a field trip to Blainbrook Bowl in a one-to-one peer mentoring and support role.
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2021-22 Above & Beyond Awards winner: Krystyne Hable-Lafean
(04/04/2022) “I love to learn, am supported in my professional efforts by an amazing team, and am honored to teach a variety of incredible students with special education related needs at Sand Creek Elementary.” Krystyne Hable-Lafean is an exemplary model and a team leader for her colleagues in the special education department at Sand Creek Elementary, according to co-worker Rachel Berndt, who nominated her.
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