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InTouch Phone Message: Jan 4

Good Afternoon,


This is Gary Lundeen, Principal at Oak View Middle School.


Parking Lot Reminder:

Thank you, parents and families, for following the one-way student drop off and pick up procedure in our front parking lot.  This system is in place to ensure all of our students are safe.  With colder temperatures and fewer kids walking, biking or waiting at bus stops, traffic at drop off and pick up increases during the winter months.  Unfortunately, with this added congestion, we have seen an increase in the number of parents driving down the middle of the lot or dropping students off in the parking lot causing them to run in front or along the side of traffic in the parking lot.  Students being dropped off or picked up should be at the front of the building on the curb, as this is the safest location. We have assigned teachers to the front of the building during drop off and pick up to assist with the process while the rest of the staff supervise inside the building where the vast majority of students are.  Please know, however, that we are dependent upon drivers’ cooperation and partnership to follow our parking lot procedures to keep your student and all students at Oak View safe.


Important Registration Information

It’s hard to believe we are nearing the time of year where we begin planning for the next school year!  Sixth and seventh grade students will receive 2020-2021 registration information later this week. The middle school registration guide is available online – you’ll find the link under “Academics” and “Registration Info.”

  • Current seventh graders will attend a presentation on Thursday, January 9.  Completed registration forms, signed by the student and a parent, are due on January 16.
  • Current sixth graders will attend a presentation on Friday, January 10.  Completed registration forms, signed by the student and a parent, are due on January 17.
  • Andover High School counselors will provide information to our current eighth graders on Friday, January 17.  Parents of eighth graders should watch for more information to be mailed from Andover High School.


Upcoming Events:

  • Happy New Year! We start back on Monday.  For planning purposes, Monday is a Day 2.  Also, after two weeks away, it’s not a bad idea to check in with your student to make sure they remember their locker combination and class schedule.
  • Our second trimester conferences are scheduled for Thursday, January 16 from 3:20 to 8:30 (with staff unavailable from 6:00 to 6:30 for a dinner break).  Watch for students to bring home detailed information about conferences on Monday.


Have a great weekend.