Learning takes off when second graders at University Avenue Elementary visit the airport
(10/18/2023) Second graders at University Avenue Elementary School - Aerospace, Children’s Engineering and Science (ACES) brought their learning to new heights Tuesday, Oct. 17 when students visited the Anoka County-Blaine Airport for a hands-on learning experience.
“My favorite part of today was when we got to visit the control tower,” said Harlem Carter, a second-grade student. “I learned a lot of new parts of the plane.”
Second graders at University Avenue are ‘flight experts’ and spend the whole year looking at different aspects of flight and the parts of the airplane. The students were able to take in-class instruction and go deeper with an experience where they were able to ask questions to pilots and touch two airplanes. Students learned about the LifeLink helicopter and went up to the tower’s observation deck to play 'eye spy.’ View photos from the field trip to the airport.
“My favorite part was touching the airplanes,” said Nathan Ajulufoh, a second-grade student. “I liked when the pilot was moving the flaps up and down and controlling the steering wheel.”
Two of the pilots involved in the experience are former teachers, one of which taught at University Avenue. Jan Mol and Cheryl Daml visited the school on Oct. 10 to show students how pilots use reading and math and were at the airport to make real-life connections.
“Maybe one day we can also fly a real airplane,” said Zainab Anwar, a second-grade student.
To expand on the experience, the second graders journal in their ‘flight logs’ and work in collaborative teams to engineer and design their own feeder airport models. The students were also able to integrate some leadership language in reflection of the school’s Leader in Me 7 Habits.