• Hoover PTO

    The Hoover PTO is a parent volunteer organization that partners with school staff to provide fun and engaging family events and monetary funds to enrich and supplement the educational experience of students and families.

      Board Members

      • Chair: Steve Head
        Vice-Chair: Jason Capra
        Co-Treasurer: Hannah Brady
        Co-Treasurer: Julie Skowronek
        Secretary: Christina Nelson
        Community Engagement Director: Julie Skowronek
        Events Director: Ashley Arntson 

      Meeting Dates and Location

      • PTO meetings are on the second Tuesday of the month (unless there is a need to reschedule) at 6:45 PM, with an option to join virtually or in person. Depending on volunteer availability, we may have onsite childcare for school-aged children.

      • PTOs, booster clubs and nonprofits

        Parent Involvement logoAnoka-Hennepin Parent Involvement can provide links to resources that may be helpful to parent-teacher organizations (PTOs), advisory councils, partnership teams, booster clubs and other nonprofit organizations that help students. 

        Resources may include:
        • Leadership
        • Establishing non-profit organization (501c3) status
        • Non-profit organization and volunteer management
        • Financial and organizational management
        • Recruitment and retention of members
        • Partnership practices and networking
        Services include:
        To check out or browse book titles on all aspects of nonprofit management, visit the Anoka-Hennepin Parent Resource Center
        Use Library Name: AHPRC
        No Password is required. 


        Anoka-Hennepin Parent Involvement, 2727 N Ferry St., Anoka, MN 55303