What is Supplemental Programs?
The primary focus is to support students who are at-risk for not meeting state proficiency standards in the areas of reading and mathematics. Research-based practices provide the basis for interventions to help students achieve greater academic success. Instructional interventions are designed to provide support to learners on specific skills and concepts.How is Supplemental Programs funded?
Supplemental programs is funded through a state grant and federal Title I funds. School's qualify for title I funds based on their free & reduced lunch percentages. The principal and the Building Leadership Team/Title I Schoolwide Planning Team are responsible for academic support decisions in their building. This team determines the best way to meet the needs of their at-risk students as outlined in their School Improvement Plan/Title I Schoolwide Plan, with the funds allocated to them. Learn more about what Title I is.Which students are eligible for service?
The following assessments are considered to determine to determine eligibility:Kindergarten and grade 1: FAST. Bridges Math Assessments, and teacher judgmentGrade 2: Oral Reading Fluency, Phonics assessment, MAP reading and math scores, Bridges Math Assessments, and teacher judgment
Grade 3-5: student performance, MAP reading and math scores, MCA, and teacher judgmentWho is responsible for the instruction of Title I/Supplemental Program students?
- Classroom teachers are responsible for the core or initial reading and math instruction.
- The supplemental programs teachers work cooperatively with the classroom teachers to provide additional instruction and/or support.
What intervention programs are used?
Eligible students may be supported using: Number Sense Intervention, Bridges or Conceptual Place Value, WonderWorks, Wonders Tier II, or skill-specific interventions.