• CBPAMES students begin to arrive at 9:10 AM for a 9:25 bell time and are dismissed at 3:55 PM.  

    Due to the large number of vehicles we have at drop off and pick-up, we will have some policies to guarantee the safety of our students while making the process as efficient as possible. 
    1. Have your student ready with all materials when you enter the drop-off zone.
    2. Students should exit the passenger side onto the sidewalk.
    3. All vehicles should stay in line. Do not jump out of line as it presents a safety issue for pedestrians. 

    Here is some additional information about location and timing:

    1. All students are dropped off and picked up in the CBPA parking lot. Drop off starts at 9:10-9:25 a.m. and pickup starts at 3:55 p.m.
    2. Please enter the parking lot off of 109th Ave. by taking a right (traveling west on 109th). This prevents traffic backups on both sides of 109th Ave. 
    3. The CPBA bus loop is used for bus and daycare vans only.
    4. We will no longer use the Jackson Middle School bus loop for any drop-off or pick-up.