
    Find a teacher's classroom page

    Below is a list of teachers with classroom pages. If a teacher you're looking for is not on this list, it simply means that they don't use the web as a communication vehicle for their class(es) at this time. Please click "directory" at the top right for contact information on all staff.
  • Meghan Buttweiler 
    Deb Cone
    Alan Durand
    Brittany Watson
    Sarah Zins
    Erik Andersen
    Emily Beard
    Chelsea Regan
    Abby Weeres
  • Jessica Lind
    Katherine Mabel
    Sheryl Schraut
    Tracy Steinke
    Lori DeLyser
    Molly Gallagher
    Ned Schoephoerster
    Samantha Stenberg
  • Sam Christofferson
    Billie Davis-Fehr
    Kris Goplin
    Kaylea Grams-Finch
    Trini Marcouiller
    Megan Peterson
    Sarah Svedberg-Special Education Lead Teacher

    Speech Language Pathologist
    Sarah Peterson
    School Psychologist
    Engagement Coach
    Jackie O'Connell
    Instructional Technology Teacher
    Jennifer Johnson
  • Alyssa Bancroft 
    Jordan Ebel
    Michelle Hobbs
    Mikk Nestrud

    Page Andrews
    Jennifer Carlson
    Dominic Krebsbach
    Kathy Neitzke
  • Chloe Delwiche
    Gloria Guiza
    Heather Kurth
    Alanna Williamson
    Wendy Wostrel
    Ryan Zgutowicz
    Victoria Campoverde-ELL Liaison
    Literacy Specialist
    Lisa Silmser
    Math Specialist
    Kelly Barnes
    Jinna Collins-Jwacu
    Paula McCusker - TD