• What is early childhood screening?

    girl playing with blocksEarly Childhood Screening is a FREE and simple check of how your child is growing, developing, and learning. 

    Who needs to be screened?

    • Minnesota state law requires that a child must be screened for enrollment in a public school. 

    • Children need to be screened within 90 days of starting preschool and within 30 days of starting Kindergarten. 

    • Screening as early as three years of age helps you to know if your child is on track to be prepared for kindergarten. It also allows more time to provide support if there are concerns.

    Who doesn't need to be screened?

    • If your child has already completed Early Childhood Screening one time between the ages of three and five.

    • If your child was screened through Head Start or another school district.

    • Your child has an active IEP (Individualized Education Plan) or received special education services between the ages of three and five.

    What are the screening locations?

    We offer day and evening appointments throughout the year at 3 locations.

    What can I expect at my child's screening appointment?

    • The screening takes about one hour.

    • A parent/legal guardian needs to be present.

    • A trained professional will check:

      • Vision and hearing

      • Height and weight

      • Immunizations

      • Large and small muscles

      • Thinking, language and communication skills

      • Social and emotional development


    How do I schedule my child's screening appointment?

    • Appointments are made online through our Eleyo registration system

    • If you do not have an Eleyo account, you will be prompted to create one.

    • Once the online appointment is scheduled, you will receive a confirmation email with appointment details and the link to the required screening forms.

    • Screening forms need to be completed and submitted prior to your child’s appointment.

    • If your child is immunocompromised, please contact early childhood screening to schedule a virtual appointment.

    Schedule Appointment Now

    Who do I contact with questions or if I need assistance?

    • earlychildhoodscreening@ahschools.us

    • 763-433-4910

    • Cultural Liaisons: 

      Yog tias koj xav tau kev pab sau npe rau Early Childhood Screening, hu rau Linda Yang ntawm 763-506-6176 lossis linda.yang@ahschools.us.

      Si tiene preguntas, le gustaría ayuda y/o asistencia para registrarse para la prueba de la niñez temprana (Early Childhood Screening) por favor contacte a Elisa Botker al teléfono (763) 506-6184 o por correo electrónico elisa.botker@ahschools.us.

Additional Resources