• Welcome parents and students to my Math 112 College Algebra webpage. 

     Course Eligibility


    • Juniors must be in the top 25% of their class rank
    • Seniors must be in the top 50% of their class rank 
    • All students must take the SCSU entrance exam that will given at Andover High School in the spring
    • Student who receive a minimum score of 24 on their ACT's may be able enroll without the entrance exam
    • Students must have completed pre-req course of Advance Algebra


    The class will cover many topics that were introduced in Honors Algebra 2 or Advanced Algebra.  However, this class is a college level class, and will go more in-depth on many topics in order to increase students' overall understanding.  Specifically, students can expect to work with solving equations and inequalities; function properties and graphs; inverse functions; linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions and applications; systems of equations and inequalities.


    General Education Course Credit

    Students will earn two trimester's worth of high school math credit by taking this course.  In addition, students that meet the qualifications to enroll, and the criteria set by St Cloud State University, will also receive three credits of College Algebra through mnscu.   


    Students will receive two trimester grades for Andover High School, and a single 3 credit grade for SCSU.  The grades for the high school transcript will be as follows:
    Trimester 1 - Chapter P - 2 quizzes/tests, and a trimester final.
    Trimester 2 - Chapter 3 - 5 quizzes/tests
    The SCSU grade will be determined by averaging the two trimester grades together (which constitutes 80% of the grade), and a combination of a computerized and paper/pencil final (which constitutes 20% of the grade).
    I will cover this several times during the class, but please ask if you have any questions as to how your grade will be determined. 


     Links to additional resources