School year care
Adventures Plus offers convenient in-school care, flexible schedule options and competitive prices. A variety of care options are available to meet your family's needs. Families may choose from before-school care, after-school care or both. Schedules must remain consistent from week to week for the duration of your contract.
- Before-school (a.m.): 6:30 a.m. until school start time
- After-school (p.m.): School dismissal time until 6 p.m.
School year registration
Adventures Plus is a popular service and child care openings fill quickly. School year 2025-26 registration opens for currently enrolled families on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 6:00 am. Registration opens for new families on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 6:00 am. Contracts (accepted or pending) do not carry over from season to season or year to year. All families, including waitlisted families, must register annually for any future care needs. Registrations are reviewed in the order that they are received in our online system and can take up to ten business days to process. Accounts that have an overdue balance will not be processed. The school year program accepts registrations throughout the year and children may be enrolled as openings become available.
Register online
School year program details
Part-time and full-time care schedule options are available:
- Part-time: Families request care four days or less per week. Two days per week minimum is required.
- Full-time: Families request care five days per week, per session.
- Drop-in care: Only families who are currently enrolled in the Adventures Plus program may add care sessions that are not regularly scheduled. Drop-in care is offered as space is available at your child's care site, and is subject to site approval. Drop-in days requested for future care will not be approved more than 2 weeks in advance. Drop-in care is intended for occasional use only. To request drop-in care, go to your online account and use the "drop-in" option. (Requests are pending until approved by staff.)
Adventures Plus school-age care requires a non-refundable registration fee of $35 per child (not to exceed $70/family), charged at the time that the contract is accepted.
For current year 2024-2025 rates, please contact the billing office at Adventuresplus@ahschools.us or 763-506-1400.
Rates for the 2025-26 school year:
A.M. - Before-school care: (6:30 a.m. to school start time)Part-time (2-4 days/week): $14.55 per day/per child.
Full-time (5 days each week): $11.45 per day/per child.
P.M. - After-school care: (School dismissal time to 6 p.m.)
Part-time (2-4 days/week): $12.50 per day/per child.
Full time (5 days each week): $10.00 per day/per child.
Drop-in care: Only families who are currently enrolled in the Adventures Plus program may add care sessions that are not regularly scheduled. Drop-in care is offered as space is available at your child's care site, and is subject to site approval. Drop-in days requested for future care will not be approved more than 2 weeks in advance. Drop-in care is intended for occasional use only. To request drop-in care, go to your online account and use the "drop-in" option. (Requests are pending until approved by staff.)Drop-in Day Rates:
- A.M. care: $19.55 per day/per child.
- P.M. care: $17.50 per day/per child.
*A $10 finders fee will be assessed to accounts if a child's PM absence is not communicated with A+ staff at least 30 minutes prior to school dismissal, as this results in a search process that takes staff away from the care of children.
All rates are subject to change. Schedule changes require a two-week notice and a $30 fee per contract. No credit given for absences. -
School-year child care is offered at all elementary school sites.
Students attending Evergreen Park World Cultures Communtiy School may enroll in before- or after-school care at Monroe Elementary School. Adventures Plus provides transportation to and from Evergreen. -
2024-25 School Year Openings
Adventures Plus is currently accepting registrations for the 24-25 school year. Many sites have wait lists.
Students placed on the waitlist are contacted in the order they were received as spaces open throughout the year.
If a school site has a full waiting list, it will be listed as "closed”.
*Last updated 01/06/2025
2024-25 School Year Openings
Adams Elementary
Andover Elementary
Brookside Elementary
Champlin-Brooklyn Park Academy
Crooked Lake Elementary
Dayton Elementary
Eisenhower Elementary
Evergreen Park*
See Monroe
See Monroe
Hamilton Elementary
Hoover Elementary
Jefferson Elementary
Johnsville Elementary
Lincoln Elementary
Madison Elementary
McKinley Elementary
Mississippi Elementary
Monroe Elementary
Morris Bye Elementary
Oxbow Creek Elementary
Ramsey Elementary
Rum River Elementary
Sand Creek Elementary
Sunrise Elementary
University Avenue Elementary
Wilson Elementary
* Students attending Evergreen Park World Cultures Community School may enroll in before- or after-school care at Monroe Elementary School. Adventures Plus provides transportation to and from Evergreen.
Non-school days
Non-school day registration
Adventures Plus provides school-age care from 6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. on most days when school is not in session, including winter and spring breaks.
Non-school day care is only available to families who are registered and attending weekly care through Adventures Plus during the school year. Families may opt for care as few or as many days as needed.
Families must register online by the 15th of the month prior to the desired non-school day to guarantee a spot and receive priority registration. Registrations received after the 15th of the month will be approved as space allows. Registration closes 5 business days prior to the start of the non-school day.
All requests for cancelation of previously requested non-school day care must be received by the 15th of the month prior to the non-school day. Once non-school day registrations are approved on the 16th of the month prior to scheduled care, registrations are final and families will be responsible for payment regardless of attendance.
**Non-school day registration for each school year opens on September 1st at 8:00 am for all families with an approved Adventures Plus contract. **
Non-school day rates are based on when your child's registration is received and will be added to your monthly invoice.
- Option one (priority registration): $45 per child/day (2025-2026 $46.80 per child/day) if you submit your child's registration by the 15th of the month prior. Guaranteed care on each day selected.
- Option two (late registration): $60 per child per day if you submit your child's registration after the 15th of the month prior. Registrations are approved if space is available.
No credit given for absences.
Non-school day sites
Non-school day care is provided at select site locations. Families are responsible for picking up and dropping off their children at the non-school day child care site. Sites may be added or changed based on enrollment levels and building maintenance. If there is a change, families will be informed of the change. Students must register at the site listed in the link below that is serving their regular A+ attendance school.
2024-25 Non-school day - which location to select
Meals and snacks
All children must bring their own lunch and beverage on non-school days, unless otherwise noted by the site. Breakfast and snacks are included.
Field trips
Field trips may be scheduled as part of the non-school day curriculum. Adventures Plus contracts with the Anoka-Hennepin School District transportation companies to provide busing to and from the field trip destination.
Children in attendance are required to participate in field trips. Parents/guardians will be notified of field trip dates, destinations and expected departure and return times in advance. Field trip admissions and transportation costs are included in the non-school day fees. Additional money from home is not allowed on trips. Children may also participate in local walking trips.
The program reserves the right to cancel or change field trips due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances. Fees will not be refunded due to changes in trips.
ContactAdventures Plus billing office, 2727 N. Ferry St., (Enter Door No. 5) Anoka, MN 55303
Phone: 763-506-1400
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions, and Feedback Form
Billing office hours: Monday - Friday from 7 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.