CPHS National Honor Society
What is NHS?
National Honor Society is a nationally accredited organization. The students in NHS are committed to being model students in the community in regards to the four pillars: Character, Scholarship, Leadership, and Service.
Why should apply?
Students who want to be part of a community of students that are committed to excellence and want to serve the community and be active members of their community.
Who qualifies to apply?
NHS is exclusive to juniors and seniors. Eligible students (those who have a GPA of 3.75 or higher) will be invited to apply via email during the spring of their sophomore or junior year.
What is needed to get accepted?
- Students who can show they are involved (in other sports/clubs at CPHS, or active in the community)
- 10 hours of service hours (hours from 9th grade onwards count, unless they were required to do them for any other class, club, or sport). Save the verification!
- A leadership essay (a 1 page paper about what leadership means to you and how you show leadership in your life or how you plan to grow in your leadership).
- A letter of recommendation from a non-CPHS adult that speaks to any of the 4 pillars (chacter, scholarship, leadership, and service).
- A letter written from the student to a person that has had a significant impact on their life (Special Person Letter).
- The ideal candidate is well rounded (involved in other school or community activities in addition to NHS) and be leaders in their community.
When are applications due/when do I find out if I'm accepted?
Applications are due generally by the end of the school year. They are looked over in the summer by the advisors and the officers, and students should find out if they are accepted by late July to early August. Members are inducted in the fall at a formal Induction Ceremony.
What are the ongoing responsibilities of NHS members?
- Complete 10 hours of service per trimester (for those who want to letter, they need to complete at least 50 hours for the year. 10 of those hours can be counted from the summer before the school year starts).
- Participate in group volunteer activities
- Attend NHS social events
- Attend a monthly meeting held by the officers (students have a before or after school option)
Club Advisors:
Hannah Welle (hannah.welle@ahschools.us)Katie Snell (katrina.snell@ahschools.us)Club Officers:
Zakiyyah Maalimdahir (President)
Kevin Samey (Vice President)
Jeremiah Schaefer (Treasurer)
Ethan Sevald (Project Coordinator)
Dana Gau (Volunteer Coordinator)
Eleanor Martenson (Secretary of Hours)
Anja Bork (Secretary of Attendance)