    Welcome to our Classroom Website
    Hello and welcome to Mrs. Morgan's Website. I have been teaching music at Jackson Middle school for 20 years. It's hard to believe that many years have passed, it has all gone by so quickly. We moved to Minnesota in 1994 from Maine, where I taught elementary music for 5 years. Prior to living in Maine, I taught elementary music in Rhode Island. I was very happy to be near the ocean in both of those states and enjoy all of the fun things there are to do around the water. I grew up in North Dakota and found the ocean very similar to the beautiful horizon that you see along the plains of North Dakota. 
    I am married to my husband Ken, who was an iron worker for over 30 years. I have two children, Denny and Lydia. They both live in Southern California and we are lucky we get to go to a warm climate and visit them when it is freezing here in Minnesota.  In my free time I love to read, go for long walks and slow runs and spend time with my family.
    Singing and music are what I love, sharing them with kids is a privilege that I treasure. I am honored to work with the students and families at Jackson Middle School. 
    Ruth Morgan
    Choir 6 and 7
    Jackson Middle School
    6000 109th Ave.
  • Teaching Schedule:
     Day 1
      Day 2
     Period 1
    Study Hall
    Choir 6 
     Period 2
    Choir 7PLC 
     Period 3
    Choir 6 Choir 6 
     Period 4
    Choir 7 Choir 7 
     Period 5
    Choir 6 Choir 6 
     Period 6
    Prep Prep 
     Period 7
    Choir 7
    Choir 7