• Welcome to Spanish 1 at Jackson Middle School
    Meet your teachers...
     simssstaffpic   Sarah Koch 
     Class Information 
    This is a Level One Spanish course that 8th grade students are taking for high school credit. It is intended to serve as a beginning level Spanish class which will prepare students for future study of Spanish language and culture. Upon finishing this class, most students will then move directly into Spanish 2 at Champlin Park HS.
    *Note: Students must pass the final exam with 70% proficiency in order to advance to the next level of study.

    Everyday expressions, vocabulary, and grammar are emphasized. In the classroom, students will be actively engaged in learning Spanish through the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Latin American culture and countries will be studied as well.
    Topics Covered in Spanish Level 1
    We begin the year assuming that none of our students have ever had any experiences in the Spanish language.
    We identify the countries where Spanish is spoken, learn the alphabet and proper word pronunciation, as well as learn the classroom expressions and phrases. These phrases should be used to communicate with the teacher in Spanish as much as possible throughout the school year.
    We will then move into greetings and introductions, describing yourself and your family, discussing your likes and dislikes, describing your school and classes, requesting food, and much, much more! 
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